Page 18 of That Feeling

Kevin, the photographer I brought in from Denver, snaps several more photos as Tyler stands with one thumb hooked in the belt buckle of his jeans while the other holds a bottle of Slade whiskey.

“Perfect, yes, just like that.”

Kevin is moving around him, trying to capture as many angles as possible with the slowly setting sun. I try not to stare at Tyler, but it’s hard. I keep glancing down at my phone, pretending to reply to emails even though I’ve tried to read the same one probably half a dozen times already.

I finally give up and turn my gaze to Tyler. He’s wearing some dark, worn jeans with a red and green flannel shirt with hints of yellow. His hat is pulled down just low enough that if he tips his head, it hides his eyes.

“Okay, now let’s try a few with you on the horse, and then some leading the horse.”

He nods and walks over to where Misty is tied to a post. He strokes her nose a few times, pushing her mane out of her eyes as he leans in and whispers something to her. She nods and makes a grunting noise like she understands him as he unties her reins and walks her back to where Kevin and I are standing. It’s mesmerizing to watch how he can so easily communicate with her.

“She seemed to understand you.”

“She does. Takes a lot of trust-building.”

He hooks his foot into the stirrup and reaches up to grab the top before effortlessly swinging his leg overtop of her before situating himself in the seat.

I take a step back as he walks her in a few circles.

“Keep doing that,” Kevin says, crouching down to snap more photos. “Look off into the distance.” He snaps a few then looks through them.

“Tyler, try to relax a little. Even with your hat on, it looks like you’re furrowing your brow like you’re angry or confused. We want to convey ease and comfort. Find a point and focus on it. Kevin looks over his shoulder at me. “Better yet, look at Brook. Try to maintain eye contact with her.”

His eyes settle on mine and I feel my stomach clench. I suddenly feel the urge to look anywhere but Tyler’s eyes. Meanwhile, his eyes feel like they’re burning holes in my retinas—like he can read my soul.

“Perfect. Now a few with you and the horse standing still. Maybe have the reins in your hands.”

Kevin snaps a few more then instructs Tyler to slowly start walking toward me while maintaining eye contact again.

“You doing okay?” I ask softly as he comes to a stop right in front of me. “May I?” I say, reaching out my hand toward Misty.

“Yeah. I’m okay . . . just angry-looking, I guess.” He has a slight smile when he says it and relief washes over me. I guess I didn’t realize how tense I’ve been through this whole shoot worrying if he’s pissed or about to walk away.

“You’re doing great. You seemed to drop your shoulders and relax once he said to find a focal point.”

Misty’s nose feels soft like velvet as I stroke it.

“She likes you,” he says, and I look up to find him still watching me.

“At least someone here does,” I mutter half under my breath.

“You think I don’t like you?” Tyler pulls his hat off and runs his hands through his messy hair.

“Seriously? I wouldn’t say you hate me, but I wouldn’t say you were anywhere near the ballpark of like.” I shrug and stuff my hands into the back pockets of my jeans. It inadvertently thrusts my chest out and I see his eyes drop for just a second.

“Okay, people, we’re going to lose the light if we don’t finish up.” Kevin’s voice interrupts our quiet moment.

“Interesting,” Tyler murmurs as he takes the reins and starts to pull Misty away. He juts his chin out a little, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth like he’s thinking. “Guess I’ll have to work on that then.”

Is he flirting with me?

We finish the shoot and Tyler says he’ll meet us back at the house after he puts Misty away.

“You heading back to the motel with me?” Kevin asks as I help him load his equipment into the back of his truck.

“Maybe. I’m going to ask Tyler really quick if he wants to grab dinner, so he can probably drop me off after.”

Kevin gets a devious look on his face. “You little minx . . . I knew there had to be something between you two, because the sexual tension felt like a ten ton elephant out there!”