Page 33 of That Feeling

I flip her around, keeping myself inside her as I lay her flat on the counter. I kick the stool away from me, and it clatters to the floor as I grab a handful of her hair and anchor her against the counter, pounding into her.

Not even 10 seconds later, she’s exploding around my cock as I reach around and flick her clit. She grasps unsuccessfully at the countertop as her release pushes me to the edge. I can feel her pussy squeezing me.

I flip her back over just as I pull out and stroke myself, spilling all over her tits.

I walk to the bathroom and wet a hand towel. Neither of us speaks as I clean her off then softly place the cloth against her. She winces briefly.

“Too rough?” I don’t make eye contact as I lean down to pull on my jeans.

“No, just been a while,” she giggles, reaching for the bra I’m handing her.

I want to ask her how long, but then that makes me wonder about the last guy who was fucking her, and my stomach does an uncomfortable flip. I know she mentioned getting out of a long-term relationship with someone back in Chicago, but that’s about it. I don’t know who he was or how long the relationship was . . . and I don’t want to know. The more I know about her, the harder it’ll be to walk away.

We don’t speak as we finish getting dressed. I grab the keys and usher her out of the cabin, walking slowly back up to her car. Clearly, she’s not concerned about the snakes anymore—that or I fucked her senseless.

“I didn’t come here to—”

I open her SUV door and she climbs inside.

“I don’t need an explanation, Brooklyn. We’re both adults and I said what it was between us. That’s all the talking we need to do on the matter.”

She nods her head and reaches for the car door. “Have a good night, Tyler.”

“I’ll have the cabin cleaned up and ready for you to move in by the weekend.”

I close her car door and make my way back up to my front porch as she drives away.

I don’t know what just happened, but I somehow agreed to not only let this woman live in a house on my property, but I also signed up for a bachelor auction and just had the most mind-blowing sex of my life.

“Gotta stop thinking with your dick,” I mutter to myself as I head back inside to take a shower and pretend that tonight never happened.