Tatiana sits up. ‘Darling! Come and talk to me! I’ve not seen you in centuries!’

She may claim to seek peace and quiet, but she always bores quickly without an audience. Mercedes hides a sigh, collects the glasses, puts the tray down on a little table and goes over to perch on the edge of the lounger next to Tatiana’s. She smooths her skirt over her thighs, crosses her ankles. Smiles and smiles.

‘So tell me all about you,’ says Tatiana. ‘Did I tell you that that bloody Nora Neibergall just walked off the job? Literally left me high and dry in New York. Can you believe it? I bloody nearly didn’t make the plane because I had no idea where my passport was!’

‘Oh, poor you,’ says Mercedes. ‘Where was it?’

Tatiana waves a dismissive hand. ‘In my bag. But that’s not the point. It’s bad enough having to fly scheduled without – people. They just … honestly, Mercy, I think you’re literally the only person I can trust. Literally everyone else lets me down. You’re so … reliable.’

‘Your father,’ she says.

‘Oh, well, Daddy, obviously. But all of the rest of them, it’s only a matter of time. Literally all of them. I can’t rely on anyone.’

Yes, she thinks. Everyone tires of being bought and sold. Everyone.

‘So what’s been going on in Mercedes World? Any love on the horizon?’

‘Same as ever—’ begins Mercedes, and Tatiana interrupts.

‘Well, you’re probably very wise.’

Mercedes smiles, and smooths her skirt. You may own my time, she thinks, but you don’t get to own my private life.

‘I mean, God knows. Men. More trouble than they’re worth, honestly. I don’t know why I bother. But you don’t … Mercedes, I wouldn’t mind, you know. You don’t think I’d mind, do you?’

‘Oh, no,’ she says.

‘Because you mustn’t. Of course I want you to have a life. It would be totally doable, you know. I suppose you don’t meet people much, though. How about the people here? How about that Paulo? He’s pretty lush.’

Mercedes laughs. ‘He’s married.’

‘Is he? Oh. Shame.’

‘Everyone here is married.’

Tatiana wrinkles her nose, misses what she’s just said. ‘Well, you’re still an attractive woman, you know, Mercedes. Never say never, eh?’

‘No,’ says Mercedes.

‘Whatever happened to that chubby boy who used to follow you around like a sheep? He was okay.’

She smiles inside. He never left, Tatiana. If you ever paid attention, you’d know that. ‘Felix Marino?’

‘If you say so.’

‘He’s still around,’ she says. ‘Still fishing. He’s getting the lobsters for your dinner on Friday.’

As a diversionary tactic, it’s perfect. Tatiana instantly forgets about Mercedes’ personal life. Easy. So easy. Just divert the conversation to her personal comforts, and you’re done.

‘Oh, God, really? Lobster again? You need to have a word with the chef.’

‘Oh,’ says Mercedes.

‘Honestly. It’s like he’s never heard of sashimi.’

‘That might be my fault,’ says Mercedes. ‘I told him your father loved them when he first came here. I remember him saying he never wanted to eat anything else. Maybe I took him too literally?’

‘Oh!’ Tatiana stops. Changes tack. ‘Oh. Well. He is a bit of a dinosaur, Daddy.’