‘Put your face about,’ says Julia. ‘Meet a few people.’

‘The trick is to let them see the clothes on girls they don’t realise are prettier than they are,’ says Tatiana.

‘It’s not what you know, it’s who you know,’ says Gemma, suddenly, and both women laugh again, as though they find her genuinely amusing. This is fun, she thinks. As the wine warms her inside, she feels her confidence grow.

‘So what does your boyfriend think,’ Tatiana asks, ‘about this actress idea?’

Gemma thinks about Nathan. His hand in her hair, his smirk in the mirror. Not doing that again. ‘Haven’t got one,’ she says. ‘I want to concentrate on my career right now.’

The words sound so grand. So much better than the truth.

‘Very wise,’ says Tatiana.

‘Always good to find out what’s out there before you settle,’ says Julia. ‘And your mum? What does she think?’

Gemma puffs out her cheeks, blows a curl off her forehead.

‘That good, eh?’ asks Julia. ‘Does she even know you’re here?’

‘You. Are. Kidding?’ replies Gemma. ‘I don’t tell her fucking anything, man. All she ever wants to do is harsh my buzz.’