“Yes, sir,” she said slowly, accepting that she was about to get a spanking.

He led her down the hallway, and not into her room as she expected. He led her into the room at the end of the hall, his bedroom.

A massive four-poster bed stood in the middle on the room, draped in heavy red and black fabrics and many pillows. The walls were made out of many different types of grayish stones, giving the room a castle-like feel. He led her to the bed and carefully stacked three large pillows in the center of it.

He turned back toward her, and bent down to lift her nightdress over her head. As the chilly air caressed her now bare breasts, her nipples peaked and she shivered. When Lord Eiotan grasped the waistband of her panties, she gasped. Slowly, he dragged them down her legs, leaving her completely naked.

He stood up to meet her eyes, making her fully aware of her nakedness, and the fact that he was fully clothed.

“Tell me why you need to be punished, Ayala,” he commanded, waiting expectantly.

“Sir… I…” she began, then stopped, unsure of what to say.

“Now, Ayala. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be,”

he said as he placed the paddle and hairbrush on the bed. Ayala gulped down some air, and began to answer him, knowing deep within herself, she needed this punishment. She needed to make things right. With courage, she began again.

“Sir, I’ve misbehaved and should be punished for it. I drank too much wine, and acted out of anger. I left your side without permission, and left the establishment alone. I left you alone with Cortés, whom you had to leave in order to find me. I put myself in danger, which resulted in that man’s attack. I’m terribly sorry, sir.” She hung her head.

Lord Eiotan was silent. Then, “Why were you angry, Ayala?”

She blushed. “Please, sir…”

“Don’t make me repeat myself.”

“I… I saw you with those other girls. Them touching you, and you touching them. They knew you, and it made me angry… jealous. I didn’t know what to do, and I did the wrong thing.”

“Kneel,” he ordered, and she immediately complied, keeping her eyes on the floor and waited, her breath coming heavy.

“I want you to unclasp my belt, take it off, hand it to me, and I want you to ask me to punish you with it. Is that clear?”

Her breath hitched as she answered a soft, “Yes, sir.”

Her hands rose without thought to undo the clasp of his heavy thick leather belt. After she did so, she slowly pulled it out through the loops of his pants. Once it was free in her hands, she doubled it and held it up to him.

“Please punish me, sir. Please use your belt to spank me to punish me, sir,” she compliantly answered, her voice soft and submissive.

“I want you to climb up on the bed and put your hips over the pillows. Present yourself to me for your punishment.” He offered her a hand to steady her as she made her way onto the bed, situating her hips where he had directed her. Her bottom was raised, perfectly exposing her cheeks and sit spots for punishment. Nervous butterflies catapulted in her belly.

His hand dragged across her back, stopping at her lower back. He pressed down and held her in place with his left hand, his right hand caressing the light flesh of her still un-spanked bottom. He kneaded it softly, and she arched into his touch.

Quickly, he lifted his hand and brought it down, watching a pink handprint rise on one of her bottom cheeks. He quickly followed suit with the other, and began to spank her more quickly, more forcefully. Her pale bottom turned pink, and then a deeper red, as he spanked her thoroughly, increasing in intensity. Soft little gasps escaped her lips, but she did her best to take her punishment with dignity.

His spanks were hard, and they hurt dreadfully. Each blow she felt deep into her very core, the pain stinging and radiating with every single one. She knew she deserved this, knew she deserved to be punished by her lord.

It didn’t take long before the pain of the spanking got into her head, as silent tears began to trickle down her face. His spanks fell relentlessly as her whimpers began to grow louder, more desperate.

He paused for a moment, and Ayala felt something cool on her backside. She squeezed her eyes shut, knowing it must be her new paddle, about to be used for the first time to truly punish her. He rubbed it across her bottom, letting the coolness of the wood comfort her.

“Now it’s time to truly begin your punishment, my bad girl. I’m going to paddle your naughty little bottom, then spank you with your hairbrush, and whip you with my belt. Is that clear?”

“Yes, sir,” Ayala responded nervously. Her already burning bottom awaited further punishment. It took everything she had to arch toward him, showing him that she needed and accepted him, and her punishment.

She felt the paddle leave her bottom, and it swiftly came down on her right cheek. She barely had time to process the awful sting from that first spank before it connected with her left cheek. Lord Eiotan quickly picked up the pace, spanking her in a flurry with the horrid little paddle.

So very quickly, the sting became quite overwhelming, and Ayala began to cry in earnest. It hurt terribly, and she was so very sorry for causing so much trouble. When he focused on her sit spots with it, her cries became deeper, more panicked. He finally slowed, concentrating now on heavier spanks on each side of her bottom.

Her breathing calmed, but the tears still flowed. She was a bad girl; she deserved this. She melted into the pillows, awaiting further chastisement. Lord Eiotan paused, and put the paddle down. He gently stroked her bottom and told her that he was proud that she was taking her punishment so well.