“Now, naughty girl, it is time for you to be spanked with the very hairbrush you used on your pretty hair this morning. Arch your back, so that I may punish your well deserving sit spots with it,” Lord Eiotan calmly instructed.

Ayala presented her bottom to her lord, arching so that her upper thighs could be punished. Once again, his hand pressed down on her lower back to keep her in place.

The hairbrush was placed on the juncture of her upper thigh and bottom cheek, and with a quick snap, was brought down harshly. Before the full bite of the stroke could hit her, Lord Eiotan had spanked the other side. He began to thoroughly spank her all over her bottom and upper thighs, focusing boldly on her sit spots.

“You will remember this spanking, young lady, for days to come. Every time you take a seat, you will feel it right here.” He redoubled his efforts on her sit spots while she sobbed and wailed into the pillows.

The hairbrush was much heavier, and delivered a much harsher blow. He alternated between cheeks to her thighs, all while sobs tore through her body. She could never guess where it would hit her next.

“Get up on your knees. I want your elbows on the bed.”

Ayala quickly complied, not wanting to earn any further punishment. Lord Eiotan wrapped his left arm around her hips, holding her body against his.

Eiotan lit into her bottom with the hairbrush anew, spanking her bottom all over. Pausing, he laid the brush on the stretched skin right at the top of her thighs. He spanked her there, hard, and repeated the treatment on the other side. He did this five more times, for a total of ten spanks directed at her sit spots. Gently letting her free, he guided her to lie back down on the pillows. He rubbed her bottom as her sobs calmed, knowing her submission was causing her much pain at the moment.

When her breath calmed, he stood back up, picking up his belt. His left hand did not leave her bottom as he rubbed the hot, punished skin.

“We just have the belt left, kitten. You take this like a good girl, and all will be forgiven. You will be my good girl again. Is that clear?”

Ayala nodded, softly saying “Yes, sir” between sobs.

“I’m going to strap you with my belt ten times. You are to count. You will say the number, and promise to be my good girl with every spank. Do you understand, Ayala?”

“Yes, sir,” she said more clearly, whimpering softly. Her bottom felt punished like never before, ablaze with the pain of her lord’s spanks. She felt him lay the belt across her bottom, where it paused for a second.

“Are you ready, Ayala?”

“Yes, sir, please punish me with your belt,” she said, resigned to her fate. She lay calmly, knowing what Lord Eiotan expected of her.

With the first strike of the belt, she yelped in surprise, a line of fire spreading across her bottom cheeks.

“One! I promise to be your good girl, sir!” she quickly cried out after he cleared his throat, waiting for her.

The second stroke fell as soon as she finished speaking. She quickly responded with her count and promise, and the third fell as soon as she had quieted.

Her bottom burned, but the strap was unrelenting.

“Three! I promise to be your good girl,” she managed to squeak out; the fourth lash struck her sit spots and she howled. His left hand pressed down on her lower back, preventing her from squirming.

“Four, I promise to be your good girl,” she cried out and the fifth fell across her upper thighs. She began to cry again, and forced herself to count.

“Five, I… I promise… to be your good girl.” She struggled as the sixth line of fire struck her bottom. She sobbed and counted obediently for the sixth, seventh, and eighth spanks. Her hands held onto the bedding in fists as she sobbed into the blankets.

“Two more to go, sweetheart,” he said, releasing her lower back to softly rub her very well punished bottom. His hand slowly made its way back to her lower back, and the ninth fell. A wail escaped her throat as the strike fell directly on her punished sit spots, hard.

“Nine, sir… I promise…” she sobbed. “I promise to be… your good girl.” The tenth and final belt stroke landed much harder than the rest in the same spot.

“Ten, sir, I promise to be your good girl,” she wailed as Lord Eiotan threw down the belt and took her into his arms, cradling her head in his shoulders as sobs shook her.

“I’m so sorry, sir,” she pleaded over and over.

“I know, kitten. I know. You were a very good girl for your spanking. I forgive you. You are my good girl again. Shhhh… It’s all ok.” He rocked her until her sobs quieted, petting her hair and softly tracing his fingers across her back in comfort. As her cries finally slowed, he lifted her head and planted kisses all over her tear-stained cheeks.

She finally giggled at the absurdity of it and he caught her face in both hands and kissed her deeply. She kissed him back hungrily, a sudden passion and desire overwhelming her. He pushed her back onto the bed, knocking the pillows she had just been pu

nished over off the bed. Her breath hissed as her sore bottom met the bed, reigniting the heat from her recent punishment and a deep, unsated need inside her.

He kissed her with wild abandon, and she met his lust with full force. He grabbed her hands and wound a silken scarf around her wrists. He then quickly tied her arms to the bedpost. She tested the bonds, found her arms could not escape, and that she was thoroughly tied. She looked at his face in shock, and a mischievous grin took over his features. He came back down and kissed her lips, and began trailing kisses down across her neck, to her aching nipples, down her lower hips.