I looked up into his eyes; he was breathing heavy and his lips descended down onto mine. I could feel the growing bulge of his cock still blessedly constrained by his trousers and I felt around with my fingertips for the dagger. I edged my fingers along the sheets slowly because I didn’t want to knock the knife out of my grasp, even by accident.

His kiss was wet and incredibly sloppy. It felt like a dog kissing my lips instead of a fully grown man. It was fucking gross. There was nothing I could do to stop it though and I was thankful he was still kissing me, rather than forcing his dick into my pussy right now. At least someone had told him foreplay was a thing.

He finally found one of my nipples and began to play with it. He tapped at it with a single finger first and then squeezed it with a mild pinch. I swallowed a laugh and a small high-pitched sound of pleasure escaped his mouth as he suckled at my face.

Fuck. Where was that knife?

I moved my hand a little bit more, searching desperately and then the tip of my finger grazed against it. I could only just reach it and I almost swore at my discovery. I had figure out how to get my hand around the handle.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, distracting him by pressing my pussy up against his dick. I caught him off guard and he groaned in appreciation, taking my behavior as an indication that he was doing something right.

Stupid asshole. It was all an act and he was too dumb to figure that out. He hadn’t even thought to see if I was wet. I wasn’t. I was dry as a fucking desert and all I wanted to do was throw up at how disgusting he smelt.

Using my hand, I pushed myself up into his kiss. With my other arm, I pulled myself closer to him and with my body angled upward like this, I could just reach the dagger. Quickly, I gripped the handle and slid it closer to me so that it would be in reach before I dragged my hand across his hip, suggestively touching the top of his buttocks as he continued to kiss and slobber all over my mouth.

Fucking gross. No woman deserved this nonsense.

I pulled my hand back and pushed against the mattress once more, before I took the jeweled knife back within my fingers. I flipped it so the blade was facing me before I wound that very same arm against his shoulders. He was too preoccupied with his conquest of me to even notice. He’d become overconfident and that had been a big mistake.

I was getting awfully tired of alien men underestimating my capabilities. It was time that I embraced my role as an Aberrant. It was time I showed them that they had something to be afraid of and not just the other way around. If anything, I was intelligent and incredibly fucking resilient, no matter what the stars threw at me.

I pulled my arm back one final time and then I slammed the entire knife straight through the base of his scalp with as much strength as I could muster. With a quick jerk of my wrist, I severed his spinal cord in one incredibly brutal blow. He didn’t even have time to scream before his eyes fluttered backwards behind his lids. His body shuddered hard in the throes of death before he collapsed down, landing straight on top of me with every last pound of his weight. Instant death. He hadn’t even had a chance to fight back. But god damn, this guy was heavy.

Fucking fantastic.

The only saving grace of this creep right now was that there wasn’t a lot of blood. I groaned as I tried to shove him to the side and slip out from underneath him. It took some work but by shimmying side to side, I was able to get one shoulder free. With both arms, I pushed him hard and roared with fury as I pulled the rest of me out from beneath him. With a heavy sigh, I simply breathed and allowed myself to recover, lying next to his dead body for several long seconds.

“Remind me never to piss you off,” Mari whispered. I’d almost forgotten she was there with the others. I’d been so caught up with figuring out how to free myself and then get rid of the man holding me hostage. With a deep breath, I sat up and kicked Greyburne’s body off the cot using the power of my legs. He tumbled to the floor, right where he belonged.

I stood up and walked over to him, grabbing the keys off his belt. I looked at the door to my cell, realizing that the dumb bastard hadn’t even locked it after he’d come inside.

I don’t know how the stupid bloke had made it this far or even how the hell he’d gotten a number of men to follow him as their captain. Whatever. It didn’t matter. I had to focus on my escape now and I had to get the rest of the women locked in here with me out too.

I tore the sheet off the small bed and quickly wrapped it around myself. Then I left my cell and strode purposely over to the others. I opened Mari’s first, followed by the other four, releasing the dozen women who’d been my cage mates back on the Black Ranger. The cell doors creaked as I opened them, and I looked back toward the door hoping that none of Greyburne’s crew were waiting outside.

“That was incredible, Nina,” Mari murmured.

“Thanks. We have to go. Greyburne’s too heavy to move and his men might be close. Let’s make a break for it before it’s too late,” I urged and Mari nodded, along with many others including Vicky. I smiled in her direction, noting her black eye. It had gotten pretty dark.

“I hope you hit him back,” I said, and she smirked.

“Damn right I did. Gave him a bloody nose,” she answered, and I snorted with laughter.

“Good,” I answered, grinning as I peered around the dungeon.

The door squealed behind me and I spun around, only to be greeted with a familiar face.

It was Vane.

Chapter Twelve


Just the sight of him made my heart pound. My body reacted viciously

to his presence, almost like the two of us were connected on some deep biological level and I wondered if we were. The moment he saw me, he shook visibly before he pressed his palm to his chest with a quiet groan of agony.

“The mark,” I murmured quietly, and he shook his head before lifting his shirt to look at the progress of the virus across his flesh. It was bright red again and I watched, entranced, as it darkened in color until it was once again charcoal gray against his golden skin.