“Commander Vane,” the man murmured in greeting, nodding his head slightly in a deferential maneuver.

“Dr. Rackamar,” Vane responded curtly.

“What brings you down here? You’re not due to have your mark examined for some time. Has it begun progressing faster?” the doctor replied, his brow furrowing with concern. He appeared to be the same species of alien as Vane, with golden skin and reptilian eyes. He was just as big, and I found myself absently wondering if he had the same sort of tattoo as Vane.

“It has changed. Profoundly,” Vane replied, as he swiftly stripped himself of his shirt. The doctor gasped softly as he revealed the mark, standing slowly from his desk and edging closer to Vane.

“I’ve never seen this before. When did this happen?” the doctor said as he pressed a single finger against the dark tattoo.

“Yesterday. It happened very shortly after I took her,” Vane said gruffly, his gaze swinging to mine. I blushed furiously and turned my eyes to the floor, well aware of the fact that I was still very, very naked and still wet with the remnants of my pleasure coating my thighs.

“What did you do to her?” the doctor questioned, and I wished that a black hole would open up beneath my feet and swallow me up so that I didn’t have to stand there while I felt the stranger’s calculating eyes on me.

“I claimed her as mine. In front of the entire crew,” Vane answered. I could almost hear him smiling and a cold shiver raced down my spine.

“I don’t know what this means, Commander. It’s either a very good sign or it’s a sign that the virus has taken a turn for the worst. I’ll have to take blood samples and assess the progression of the mutation,” the doctor said next.

My eyes lifted from the floor, my shame forgotten.

Virus? What virus?

“What are you talking about?” I questioned. I didn’t even think about keeping silent, too concerned about what the doctor had just revealed. Vane leaned against the large medical bed in the center of the room and turned his head toward me.

“Some time ago, we raided a planet based on intel of the existence of a profitable plunder. We succeeded in taking the cargo, but not before we encountered a number of natives that inhabited the place. They were strong, fierce warriors that put up a serious fight. I lost a number of men that day, but we prevailed. It wasn’t until weeks later that we began to see evidence of the marks on our skin, visible evidence that something was changing inside us. It made us stronger, bigger, more capable of victory in battle than ever before. For a period of time, we celebrated these changes and took what we wanted, whenever we wanted simply because we could conquer anything and anyone. Only things didn’t stay that way. The marks progressed, more and more until the first man fell into madness. At first, we thought it was chance, but it wasn’t. A second fell. And then a third,” Vane explained, his voice strangely level.

“There has to be a way for you to stop it,” I murmured softly. I don’t know why I said what I said, but I felt a strange connection to Vane beginning to form. He was familiar. He wasn’t overtly cruel, and he hadn’t shown a single sign of wanting to kill me despite the fact that I’d openly defied him several times in front of his crew. He was more than capable of it, I knew that, but the important thing was that he hadn’t. Not even remotely.

“There is no cure. Not that we have been able to find. Dr. Rackamar here had devised several tests that track the progression of the virus in my crew, but we have yet to find any sort of way to stop it,” he answered.

I chewed my lip, looking back and forth between him and the doctor. Rackamar turned away and opened a drawer to pull out an oversized cartridge. Vane extended his right arm and Rackamar pressed the object against his forearm. It popped quietly and a small vial of blood began to fill at its center. After a moment, Rackamar pulled the equipment away and pressed it into a slot within the medical bed.

“It will take me some time to process your samples,” Rackamar replied. “Come see me tomorrow and we’ll discuss your results.”

Vane nodded and pushed himself up to a standing position.

“Come, Nina. We are going to check on the ship’s progress to our next destination,” he said curtly.

“May I dress first?” I pressed.

“No. I want you bare for me. You haven’t earned the privilege of clothing yet,” he answered, and I couldn’t help myself as my pussy tightened with desire. As much as I wanted to hate the fact that he’d taken something so simple from me, I couldn’t. Not entirely.

Back on Earth, clothing had been a basic right. Here, claimed by an alien I didn’t really know yet, clothing was something different. I should be angry that he’d taken my ability to cover myself from me, but I couldn’t. Even now, my body was simmering with desire. There wasn’t a single piece of fabric covering me, but as his eyes dragged up and down my body, I realized that I had never felt more beautiful in my life.

In one sense, it was empowering. In another, it felt so very shameful to be on display like this, especially in front of other people.

With a sigh, I accepted his words. I didn’t know what had happened to my clothing yesterday anyway and in all likelihood, it had been left behind on the vessel that had once been my Aberrant prison. Vane didn’t say anything else as he walked out of the room and once again, I followed because that’s what he expected of me.

He didn’t have to call for me. I simply came.

* * *

For days, Vane kept me naked. Over that time, I began to feel more comfortable in my bareness. He’d occasionally reach for me, touching my body, pinching my nipples lightly or cupping his hand between my thighs. I lived for those moments, for the feel of his touch on my skin as I navigated this new life that I’d been thrust into. Sometimes his fingers were gentle, but not always, and it took me some time to realize that the unknown of it aroused me much more than I had expected. Sometimes he twisted my nipples, or he forced me over his thighs and made sure that both my very bare little pussy and my naked backside were very well punished with the harshness of his palm. He ensured that I spent very little time not feeling sore and that I was constantly reminded of his control over me, regardless of where we were or who was around. If I was defiant with him, he corrected me firmly and quickly, either with his hand or with his belt. His crew would do nothing as he punished me in front of them.

It soon became very apparent that they wouldn’t save me from being taken

in hand by my captor. If Vane decided that I needed to be spanked, I didn’t have a choice about taking it. It was going to happen, whether I wanted it or not.

We spent a great deal of time at the helm of the ship, where he reigned as commander. He ensured the vessel was on course and he also monitored supplies, including fuel, food, and whatever else the ship needed. He led calmly and with authority wherever he went. I soon found myself just watching him simply because I enjoyed watching him work.