In that private moment between us, free from prying eyes, I gave myself over to him in the most thorough of ways. His seed spurted inside me, again and again, until I felt so very wet and full. The inflated base of his cock locked him deep inside me and I curled into him, resting my forehead against his shoulder and allowing his heat to envelop me as I slowly put myself back together.

His arms wound around me and he trailed his fingers up and down my back. Additional tremors of bliss racked me for several long minutes before they finally began to quell. He held me against his chest, locked inside my body. Neither of us said a word. It wasn’t needed.

In that moment, he’d claimed me more thoroughly than he had in the cargo hold. There, before all his men and the Aberrants, he’d shown me that I should fear him. Here, locked away in private, he’d shown me kindness. He’d shown me the man behind the monster and the rumors.

My breath hitched in my throat.

He stood and kicked off the rest of his clothes. He pulled his shirt over his head before he carried me into the bathtub with him. Carefully, he lowered the two of us down into the water, his cock still deep inside me. I laid against his chest, listening to the strong sound of his heartbeat against my ear. It was comforting and I closed my eyes for a long moment before opening them again.

“You did very well, little human,” he purred quietly, and I hummed with pleasure at the pride in his voice. The water was warm and surrounded us with its heat. It lapped at my arms, making me sigh softly as I enjoyed the feeling of it.

The base of his cock finally began to deflate, and I moaned with a quiet sense of disappointment and relief. He lifted me from his cock and that’s when I realized how very sore my pussy was. I pressed my thighs together with a cry, feeling the terrible ache deep in my core. He pulled me against him once more and picked up a cloth from the side of the tub.

He didn’t allow me to wash myself, instead he did it for me. He scrubbed my skin free of the evidence of our coupling and even when he reached between my legs, he cleansed me with a certain tenderness that made me melt into his arms. When he was finally finished, he cleansed himself quickly before he carried me out and placed me on my feet. I soon found myself surrounded in a very soft plush towel before he whisked me away back into the bedroom.

Without asking, he tucked me into bed and walked around to the other side. He climbed in behind me and pressed himself against my back. His arm wound around my waist as he pulled me close and I was vaguely aware of the fact that his cock was still hard against the naked skin of my ass. His heat enveloped me, and I closed my eyes.

I was exhausted. Well used.

I was also satisfied in a way that I hadn’t even known was possible.

I was so tired I couldn’t even think of the ramifications of what today meant for me. The only thing that I could focus on was Vane’s chest at my back as he held me close. The sound of his breath surrounded me like music and I soon found myself falling asleep.

I slept deeply for a long time. I wouldn’t wake until morning.

Chapter Six


By the time I woke, I could tell that the ship was already well on its way toward our destination. Javier hadn’t come to interrupt my time with my prize. I’d scold him for that later because he would expect me to, but he knew me well. It was rare that I took a woman and even more unusual for me to take one back to my quarters on my own ship. I’d never claimed one so publicly before either.

There was something about Nina that made me lose myself around her. There was this insatiable need for me to take her and make her writhe beneath me, almost like me finding her in that sad little cage was fate.

Maybe it was my destiny. Or maybe I was just lucky.

I unfurled my arm from its place around her waist and rolled onto my back. I sighed and rubbed my chest, expecting to feel the burning ache of the tattoo searing its way further across my chest. Strangely though, it wasn’t there. I felt nothing. There was no pain at all.

Carefully, I climbed out of bed so that I didn’t wake her. I’d used her virgin body hard yesterday and I was more than certain she’d learned more about pleasure in a single day than she had her whole life. She’d been so hesitant to touch herself in front of me, blushing simply at the suggestion of touching that wet little pussy. Just thinking about it made me hard again.

It almost felt like I was only complete with my cock pressed deep in her tight little body. I stared down at her, watching as

her chest rose and fell with her quiet breath. She looked so innocent and I felt a sudden possessiveness toward her.

She was mine now. I liked that.

I pulled on a pair of soft cotton pants before I made my way to my desk. I swiped the screen on and pulled up the charts, taking note of our location before my gaze pulled back to Nina. The detailed cargo sheet of the Intergalactic Trading Fleet indicated that she and the other humans on board were something called an Aberrant. I hadn’t taken note of the term at the time and had simply looked into what kind of profit could be made from their sale.

It had been far higher than I had realized. The human sale trade between Earth and a number of planets was a strong one and showed no signs of slowing down. As I looked more deeply into it, I realized that Earth shipped a steady number of both men and women off their surface pretty regularly.

All of them were the exact same age in Earth years.

Twenty-one. Just like my Nina.

That piece of information was interesting to me. It was a healthy young age and from my interpretation, it was when humans were at their strongest and healthiest. Perfect for work in the military or in any particular occupation. For the women, it was also the beginning of their peak fertility. Ideal for breeding.

Why would Earth get rid of them? All for a profit?

Sure, I suppose I could buy that explanation, though it seemed too simple. I searched all the available databases I had at my disposal, but there was surprisingly little information about what the label Aberrant meant. My hackles rose. It seemed suspicious to me and I had the sudden feeling that Earth was actively hiding their true intentions behind the shipment of these groups of humans from their planet.