“For your hair,” he murmured gruffly, and I nodded.

I opened the bottle and squeezed a healthy amount into my palm. I massaged it into my hair and the scent of oranges and ginger made my mouth water. The more I rubbed into my scalp, the stronger the aroma became. Carefully, I leaned backwards once again and rinsed the suds from my hair. Then I began to rub my skin free of the dirt of the Aberrant prison. It had been so long since I had been properly clean, and I felt like I was covered in layers of filth. I scrubbed especially thoroughly between my thighs where I knew Vane’s thick seed had dried on my skin.

“Stand. I want to watch as you cleanse yourself,” he directed, and I turned to face him. I wanted to talk back and tell him I wouldn’t, that I didn’t want to parade my naked body in front of him for another second, but I remembered what he had already done. Hell, my backside and my pussy still ached from the burning spanks from his palm.

Between my thighs still ached from the pounding intensity of his cock. I pressed them together and bit my lip. He cocked his head expectantly. I knew he wanted my obedience and he wouldn’t settle for anything less. If I defied him, I’d also have to pay for it with my body.

I took a long moment to study his face as I pushed myself up to a standing position. The jets stopped and an overwhelming silence came over the room, the only sounds one of the water lapping at the sides of the tub as I straightened myself and stood before him.

His golden eyes appraised my naked form, roving up and down my body, but he didn’t say a word as he leaned forward and placed his elbows on his knees. He didn’t move off the bench or give any indication that he was going to come and touch me. His hair was long, falling well past his shoulders. It was a dark, dirty blond color. His face was narrow and cut with high cheekbones that were quite prominent. His jaw was angular and covered in dark stubble that made me want to reach out and run my fingers along it. He had a single thick gold hoop earring in his left ear.

My gaze ventured downward, taking in the corded necklaces around his neck. One had a number of steel beads with extravagant carvings on each one. Another was studded with beads. The last was a long leather necklace that was threaded with a single gold coin that looked like it was from some time very long ago. His black cotton shirt was frayed at the edges but looked soft and well-worn.

He looked dangerous, like a man who was used to taking what he wanted when he wanted. Though there was something else.

He’d broken me with his rough taking of me, but he’d carried me to his bedroom, naked and sore so that I could sleep. Now he was letting me bathe in his tub and he’d done nothing to hurt me when I simply obeyed him.

Beneath the rumors and fear surrounding this monster, there was something else.

There was kindness. There was a man. And most important of all was that he had a soul beneath all those tales of death, murder, and thievery.

He gazed at me with those burning golden eyes and I felt my knees go weak. I should hate him for what he did to me, for baring and punishing me in front of his men and all the Aberrants, for making me come while he took my virginity without even asking me if I wanted it. But I couldn’t. Not really.

It made me angry, sure. At the same time though, it made me curious. It made me question what more he might do to me. If it made me come as hard as I had all over his cock. I licked my lips and hesitantly draped a single arm across my chest, holding onto my shoulder self-consciously as I did so.

“Don’t cover that beautiful body. Put your hands back to your sides,” he instructed. There was no malice or judgement in his voice. It sounded sincere, like he meant it. Hesitantly, I dropped that hand back to my hip and my nipples hardened into tight little peaks when I did.

His eyes narrowed as he studied me. I fidgeted just a little under his probing gaze.

“Do you not think of yourself as beautiful, little human?” he asked.

I bit my lip. I didn’t know what to say. Back on Earth, there was no celebration of beauty. No talk of looks because it wasn’t a useful quality. It didn’t give back to the rest of the community. It offered nothing of value.

I hadn’t thought I was anything special. There were certainly other girls that were prettier than me or smarter than me. I opened my lips and closed them again, watching as he stood up from the bench and walked toward me. I trembled nervously, but he didn’t reach out to strike me. Instead, he lifted his hand to my cheek and cupped it gently.

“I have never seen anything more exquisite than you finding your pleasure beneath me. You are beautiful all on your own, but you are even more stunning when you are coming for me,” he purred, and my pussy clenched tightly in response.

I didn’t say anything.

“You are my property now and I’m going to show off that beautiful little body often. You’re going to learn just how beautiful you are in your submission to me and we’re going to begin now,” he whispered, his voice rough and direct. I shivered under his hard stare, knowing that I could no longer hide from him even if I wanted to.

He dropped his hand from my cheek and backed away, before taking a seat on the bench once again. My nipples hardened as he looked back at me expectantly. I felt my clit pulse under his constant assessment.

“Now, take your fingers and circle those pretty nipples. I want you to pinch them for me. Tease them until they are nice and hard for me. Tease them for me while I watch,” he directed, and another rush of pleasure raced down my spine. My mouth went dry as I stared back at those haunting alien eyes. My tongue poked out from my mouth and I licked my lips, slowly swaying my hips from side to side as I contemplated what to do next.

He raised a single eyebrow and his expression darkened.

I didn’t want to be punished again, not so soon after the last one.

Tentatively, I lifted my fingers to my breasts and began to explore my soft skin. I circled the outer rim of my areola, before bringing my fingers around the tips of my nipples. They were hard already and I had only just begun touching them. I rolled them in my fingers gently and then a bit more roughly. When I finally built up the courage, I pinched them lightly.

“Harder. I want it to hurt a little,” he instructed.

I pinched my nipples harder. For him.

“Twist them roughly from side to side. Look at me when you do it,” he demanded next.

I whimpered as I followed his directives. My own fingers were smaller than his, less sure, but they hurt all the same when I did what he asked. My nipples throbbed hotly so I did it