I don’t know how we caught it. Maybe it was in the air of Alpha Prime XVI. Maybe it transferred through their blood or saliva. All I knew was that all of us had it now and it had changed us all on a deep fundamental level.

It had made us stronger and faster. It made us feral in battle. Our skin was resistant to most weapons, including blades and bullets. We were incredibly hard to injure and almost impossible to kill, and those traits had taken us far in the years since we’d been afflicted with the virus. But those traits had come at a price.

The virus was ruthless. Each day, it seared more across our flesh and once it overtook us, we’d descend into madness too. I’d seen it again and again. I knew that one day the virus would take me too just as it was eating away at Javier right before my eyes.

“How far has it gone?” I asked him expectantly.

“It’s crossed onto the right side of my chest,” he answered, careful to keep any hint of emotion from his voice. That meant he still had time. Once it crossed his heart, it was only a matter of time before he would lose himself to the virus.

Before I lost him too because we had no cure. We were dead men walking.

“Report to me once we are ready to depart. See to it no one else disturbs me for the rest of the night while I see to my prize,” I replied.

“You got it, Commander Vane,” he answered, and I forced myself to turn away.

I tried not to think about what he would look like with eyes void of all reason, red-rimmed and black as night, about what he would look like as he tried to take a bite of my flesh. I followed the hall down to my quarters, instead focusing on the tiny naked human female I’d taken for myself. I couldn’t think about Javier because it hurt too much.

The door to my sector of the ship slid open, revealing my fully stocked kitchen and living room. I didn’t pause there though and walked into my bedroom. Gently, I laid Nina down on the oversized bed. She rolled over onto her side, curling up into a ball.

I took a moment to admire her naked form. She was slender but gracefully curvy. Her breasts were full, pinkened nipples still peaked from what I’d put her through there in front of everyone in the cargo hold. She was well-muscled and had clearly taken care of herself back on Earth. With one leg draped over the other, I could just see her thighs and my still-drying seed that streaked down the length of them.

Naked. Beautiful and well used. Mine.

And now here she was in my bed.

Carefully, I pulled up a comforter over her resting form. Once I was sure that she was asleep, I wandered over to my desk and sat down, powering up the navigation panel I’d had installed. Right before my eyes, a projection screen appeared with our exact coordinates. I took several minutes to ensure that no new vessels had shown up in our immediate vicinity. The Black Ranger had really expensive stealth modules installed that made our shields almost impossible to detect, but the Intergalactic Trading Fleet vessel from Earth didn’t.

I wasn’t the only pirate ship that soared the stars looking for valuable cargo to take.

Nina didn’t stir for a long time. When she finally did, I would bathe her, inspecting every inch of her body just because I wanted to.

I knew some about humans. I knew they were weak. They had fragile shells and no protection against the elements. Too much heat or cold could kill them. Three days without water could kill them too. A knife could slice through their flesh like butter. If I put too much pressure on any part of her, I could easily break one of her bones in half. Their nails were dull and incapable of being used to defend themselves. They were made to be subdued. They were made to be owned and Nina was going to learn exactly that.

She was mine in all ways. Mine to use. Mine to fuck. Mine to keep.

I found myself watching her. Already, I felt possessive of her. I’d taken her virginity and by the look of surprise on her face when she’d come for me, I was quite certain that I’d been the first man ever to bring her to orgasm. And I was going to be the last.

She’d never come for anyone but me. I grinned and returned my eyes back to the star charts. Nassarc was a long way away from Earth and we’d have to stop for supplies along the way, especially for extra dark matter to use as fuel. We’d probably have to pick up more food cartridges too. I’d have to gather some extra human-sized clothes for my little human possession as well. Until then, she was going to be naked because that’s how I wanted her. Her body would be easily accessible for me at all times.

She had only just begun to learn what that means. I’d fucked her mouth and that sweet little pussy, but there was one last virgin hole I was going to claim for myself. I stared back at her again. She’d be defiant with me again. It was in her nature. When she was, she’d learn t

hat bad little girls got fucked in places other than their tight little pussies.

My cock twitched at the thought. My balls already felt heavy with my seed.

I was ready to fuck her again.

I sighed. She was human. I had to let her rest.

She stirred and I rose from my desk. I knelt beside the bed and met her eyes as she opened them, already losing myself in their brilliant blue depths. I watched as a soft pink blush caressed her cheeks, likely as she was remembering what happened between her and me not long ago.

“Hi,” she ventured timidly, her voice giving away her fear.

“How do you feel?” I asked, cupping the top of her head with my palm. It seemed overly large against the size of her skull and I was only again reminded of the frailty of humankind.

“Sore,” she answered, a little more confident than before. She pushed herself up to a seated position and her hardened nipples gave away the fact that she was aroused just by the sight of me. She gasped, probably just realizing that she was naked, and grasped at the blanket. She covered her bared body as quickly as she could, but it didn’t matter. I’d seen every inch of her, and I was going to see it again.

“Are you cold?” I asked.