
Deep green irises regarded me with surprise, flecked with gold and hazel around her dark human pupils. A small nose and a pointed chin gave her an air of delicacy. Her cheekbones were flushed from the effort of her hike and it only served to deepen her beauty. Soft, elegant mahogany waves hung to her waist and I yearned to trace my fingers through every strand. I longed to pull it hard, force her lips to mine, and kiss her like she was meant to be kissed. I wanted to do a great many more things, but none of them involved her fully clothed. I licked my lips, imagining her beautiful little body naked. She wasn’t very tall, but her body was well formed. Her breasts would fit in the palm of my hand and I wondered if her nipples would be a pretty pink or a lovely tan color. It wouldn’t be long until I found out. Her slender waist gave way to curvy hips and I salivated at the thought of the taste of her on my tongue.

There was something deep in her eyes that I hadn’t expected though.


She didn’t know her rightful place. She would soon though. She was my omega and I was her alpha and nothing was ever going to change that.

It was time I taught her exactly that.

Chapter Four


The wolf standing ahead of me on the path was the most majestic creature I had ever seen. For a moment, I just stood there dumbfounded, taking in the sight of him. A streak of terror raced through me and I immediately pushed it away, unwilling to showcase my fear in front of such a dangerous and unpredictable beast. He was the supreme predator and he’d be able to sense my terror from a mile away. I had no doubt he would take advantage of that if he noticed even the slightest hesitation.

I couldn’t stop myself from admiring such an elegantly powerful animal though.

The first thing I noticed was his irises, which were unlike the yellow-eyed betas I’d encountered earlier. They were a brilliant ice blue that reminded me of some of the bluest waters of the ocean, multifaceted and glittering like freshly cut gemstones. His coat was deep shadow and flecked with gray and white, which made him seem all the more magnificent while also extremely dangerous. He was much larger than the others, so when he was sitting at full height, he was much taller and certainly much stronger than me. If I stood right next to him, the top of my head would only reach the bottom of his chin. He carried with him an air of expectancy as he watched me, and his demeanor gave the distinct impression that he was used to being obeyed. Even more so, he expected me to obey him.

I knew who he was. This was the alpha and he’d found me.

I’d been naïve thinking that I could escape and that he wouldn’t be able to track me down. I’d seen the battle below. I’d witnessed how the wolves had taken the advantage and I’d known the humans were fighting hard, but they were going to lose. I should have known that I would too.

He growled softly, the sound somewhat tender and also terrifyingly haunting in the same breath. It rumbled deep down into the p

it of my soul and I felt myself begin to answer. My heart started to pound, and my blood raced. Shamefully, my nipples peaked inside my bra and the seat of my panties dampened with arousal.

This couldn’t be happening. I wouldn’t let it.

He transformed right before my eyes, changing into his human form in a fraction of a second. If I had been looking away, I would have missed the whole thing.

His eyes remained just as hauntingly blue. I tried to ignore the fact that he was completely naked, but it was so very difficult.

“Omega,” he breathed, his voice low and chilling and deeply arousing.

He wasn’t any less majestic in human form than he was in wolf form. A perfect specimen of a man, he stood over six feet tall with exceptionally well-defined muscles. His biceps were thick, and I absentmindedly wondered if I could fit my hands around them. Corded muscles flexed as he assessed me, likely deciding whether to pounce with aggression or to approach me with caution. A thick beard covered his chin, but it only highlighted the strong, firm cheekbones just above it. Thick brows made his eyes seem dark and ominous as they stared back at me, which only made my body react even more strongly to his cool appraisal.

Muscled thighs rippled with tension as he debated his next move. But everything paled in comparison to his cock.

It was enormous and very, very hard. My pussy clenched as I imagined taking a man of his girth inside me and even though I feared how much it might hurt, I was terrified of just how much I would enjoy it. Of how much I might actually want it.

I wasn’t that girl. I couldn’t be.

I’d always worked hard. All my life, I’d been exclusively career minded and focused on nothing else. I’d been the good girl. When there was homework assigned, I’d always been the one to turn it in early. When there was a group project, I took the lead and helped everyone organize. I’d never gone out on the weekends and partied, nor had I ever let myself stray off the path to success. I had always met my deadlines, no matter if it had meant an all-nighter or the entire weekend spent in the library.

I’d never let myself get distracted by sex.

This man was different. He seemed like he knew how to make a woman fall to her knees and that scared me, but I was also horrified that it made me wet.

There was a certain primal intensity in the way he stared at me, almost like he would devour me whole in a fraction of a second, as if he could undo me with a simple twitch of his fingers. Underneath all that though was a certain tenderness as he looked at me. I imagined those big arms enveloping me as he raised my chin and kissed me like I wanted to be kissed. I licked my lips, finding myself unsure of him.

I shifted back and forth from foot to foot, uncertain of my next move. He didn’t appear to be in any rush to be the first to react either, so the two of us appeared to be in some sort of standoff. I sniffed the air and my tongue watered as his scent carried on the breeze.

It was masculine and strong, complete and utter perfection.

Unexpectedly, my core clenched hard, twisting in on itself with pain and unwelcome pleasure. My pussy tightened and I cried out silently in alarm. What the hell was happening to me? I’d never been this aroused in my life simply at the sight of a naked man. I wasn’t sure what to do.