“I’m just a biologist who the government decided was useful to the research they’re conducting here. I’ve only just arrived. I haven’t even been here an hour yet. My job is to simply figure out why the shifters’ behavior has changed,” I probed. Her lip curled up in a suggestive smirk.

“The betas are restless. I’m restless too. I’m a lower beta with less of a genomic percentage of wolf than the others, so I haven’t felt it as strongly as they have, but it’s still there. I can feel the presence of an alpha out there and now that I know you exist, that just confirms it twofold,” she replied rather assuredly.

“How can you be so sure?”

“All of the betas are connected. There’s an energy we feed off of in the trees, in the water, in the very air we breathe. It binds us together as one and when our alpha rises, we answer. He calls for us and he calls for his mate. We hear that call no matter what.”

I felt uneasy. I didn’t know what to think of this information. Thrust into a world that I didn’t understand, I sat back and just stared at her.

“I want to see what makes you a shifter. Will you show me?” I finally asked.

“Of course. Just,” she hesitated, “don’t scream.” After that, she started to strip, and I kept silent.

Quickly and efficiently, she pulled the gray t-shirt over her head and then pushed her leggings down her waist. Reaching behind her back, she unclasped her bra and then slipped her panties over her hips. She undressed completely in front of me and I averted my eyes in order to preserve her modesty.

“Don’t look away,” she demanded.

“It doesn’t bother you?”

“No. It’s normal when you are part of the pack,” she replied. “If we don’t get naked before we shift, our clothes end up in tatters and then we just have to get new ones all the time. Here, sometimes that takes days so we’re all rather comfortable with our nakedness, but there’s no reason to destroy our clothes when it’s not really necessary.”

This was certainly new to me though. I hadn’t really been around any woman this naked since the girl’s locker rooms back in high school. It felt incredibly odd to be thrust into a situation like this.

Her slender form was taut with finely toned muscles. Pert breasts gave way to a firm stomach and shapely hips. She had a physique that most women would kill to have.

“I’m going to shift now,” she said softly. “Don’t be afraid.”

I tried to prepare myself.

Her nails were the first thing to change, lengthening at a frightening speed into thick sharp claws. Then her back began to round and I heard the sickening sound of her vertebrae popping and cracking, changing shape and forcing her arms toward the floor. Next, her ribs fractured and rounded into more of a barrel shape and her head flew back as a scream gradually transformed into a howl. Dark brown hair sprouted all over her skin and I quickly realized that it was very thick fur. Her fingers snapped and shortened, and her hands morphed into paws that clawed at the floor beneath them.

The most haunting thing about it aside from the sound of breaking bones was when her nose started to lengthen into a snout. Her eyes changed from golden flecked brown to fully yellow as a tail sprouted from the base of her spine.

The whole change occurred in less than ten seconds. Just moments before, a naked human woman had stood before me and now a massive beast had taken her place.

Amy had been right. Rebecca’s wolf form was at least double if not triple the size of a normal wolf and if she followed the general rules of nature, she was undoubtedly smaller than the male counterpart of her species. I stood up slowly and took a tentative step toward her before pausing. She stood at eye level with my chest. I wasn’t sure if she’d attack me in this form. One strategic bite could kill me in seconds.

I didn’t feel quite so confident anymore in the guard outside the cage as I stared into the yellow eyes of such a massive animal.

She nodded though and I was reminded of her human origins.

I took another step and reached for her, tracing my fingers along her snout and then in between her eyes. After that, I walked down the length of her body, running my palm down the base of her spine and then down her tail.

“You are incredible,” I observed, and she snorted in what I imagined was a sound of amusement. Her fur was coarse and thick, yet astonishingly smooth and elegant. The brown of her fur matched the brown of her hair, but it was also pigmented with patches of blacks and gray. It was a beautiful coat.

She turned and stared into my eyes.

“Do you hear me, omega?”

Unexpectedly, Rebecca’s voice rang out in my head, but her lips didn’t move. She didn’t howl or even make a noise, but I still heard her all the same. It was more than a little unnerving.

“I can,” I answered, and her cheeks rose up in what I could only imagine a wolf smiling would look like. Her eyes warmed toward me and the coldness I had initially felt from her fell away completely.

“So, it’s true then, you are the omega. If you weren’t, there would be no way I could communicate with you in this form.” She sat back on her haunches and her tail wagged back and forth slowly. For a moment, she reminded me of something distinctly feline even though she was very different from a cat.

“What does being an omega even mean?”