And it showed.

Amy cowed just slightly in front of me, her chin dropping and her shoulders rounding a little bit. It gave her away. I knew even before she answered that I had already won.

“I don’t think that’s too much to ask for,” she replied a bit more softly.

“Good. I’d like to return to the lab now. I’ve got several notes and ideas I’d like to jot down as well as a multitude of samples to catalog and analyze,” I said expectantly. “First though, I’d love to take a shower and change out of these clothes.”

“I bet you do,” she beamed. “Dr. Livingston will be relieved to hear you’re back and that you’re safe.”

“I’m looking forward to seeing him too,” I smiled.

“We’re glad to have you back, Dr. Lowe,” she said, reaching out to shake my hand.

“I’m happy t

o be too,” I replied.

She opened the door for me, and I strode out, descending into the black site building on my own. I returned to the small apartment that had been prepared for me and stripped naked as soon as I shut the door behind me, leaving the dirty guard uniform on the floor. I took the longest and hottest shower of my life, scrubbing off the filth of the forest as thoroughly as I could. I dug my fingers into my scalp and massaged in first shampoo and then conditioner until I felt fully clean.

I ran my fingers along my body. I felt harder, my muscles firmer, and when I looked in the mirror, I noticed that I was more toned than I was several weeks ago.

When I was finally finished showering, I ordered a big meal. I chose a burger and fries with more toppings than I could count. While I was waiting for them to bring it to me, I powered on the laptop on the desk.

I checked the date. It had been over a month since I’d last been here. I hadn’t realized so much time had passed. A month ago, I led a lonely life, worrying about the next grant deadline and the revisions that were due on my student’s manuscript. Now I had a family and a mission.

That night, I got started.

* * *

The weeks passed quickly as I threw myself into my research. I worked on multiple things at once, from experiments confirming the infertility research and a number of tests looking into the validity of the immortality project. In secret, I kept records of what I was to eventually sell to the pharmaceutical industry, ensuring the notes I kept were hidden in a notebook I only took out when there was no one else around.

I knew there were cameras watching the lab, so I kept the notebook in my bedroom. I’d searched the room up and down and found nothing indicating that I was being watched there, so I kept it on the top shelf of my closet with the clothes that they had provided me with.

I snuck out some nights to be with Kiba, using the excuse that I needed some air under the stars. No one was particularly worried about my activities though, and I was never questioned. Knowing I was approaching the end of my work, Kiba and I planned our next moves together, including the one where I would approach my connections in industry.

We were going to ensure a bidding war between companies, maximizing our profits once everything came to a head.

He also made sure to send me back to the lab very sore and very satisfied, time and time again. Oftentimes, I was left wearing his mark, whether it was his seed drying on my thighs or the welts of a switch on my backside.

It made me remember that my place was with him.

I pretended to be the good little scientist and when I was sure of my work on the beta infertility problem, I presented it to the department. With my project nearly complete, I began to make preparations to leave.

Thus far, Amy had made no moves to go after the pack. Everything stayed quiet and as more time passed, the more confident I became that we’d be able to live free without worry of the government’s need to be involved.

In secret, I backed up all of my data to a hard drive that Ashe had provided me and when I was ready, I slipped it out to Kiba in the dead of night.

Soon after that, my clearance was withdrawn, and Amy flew me back home. My work was done with the Department of Paranormal Activity. I signed a number of nondisclosure agreements ensuring that I wouldn’t speak of the knowledge I gained under their employment. In order to keep up appearances, I once again assumed my position as faculty at the University of Connecticut and continued life as usual.

Only it wasn’t.

I met in secret with top executives around the world. I presented the data I’d accumulated and set the terms to my liking. I would provide them with the formulas and findings only in the event that I remain anonymous and that I would have nothing to do with the future of any of the research they might perform. I did this in order to protect myself and the rest of the pack.

Kiba and the betas integrated into normal society as they had done for centuries, hiding in plain sight and keeping me safe from afar. Kiba himself resided in my home, ensuring that I was never too far from him or his cock.

He still hadn’t given me his knot though. I didn’t quite understand what that meant. When I asked, he simply told me that it would hurt, but I would enjoy it nonetheless. I was scared of what it would entail, but I knew better than to question him any further.

He told me he would breed me when the time was right.