I clung to his back like a lifeline as Kiba pounded through the forest, back to the black site where the rest of the pack was waiting for him. He ran a bit more slowly than usual, making sure to check in with me from time to time to make sure that I was still alright. My ears still rang from the blow to the back of my head and my vision still wavered occasionally. I touched the bump that had been left behind and found that my hair was matted with dried blood. I bit my lip and pressed my forehead into the place between his shoulders, feeling the gentle but painful pounding in my head from it. It was gradually fading, but it still hurt quite a bit.

The journey back to the compound was surprisingly short. I don’t know how long I’d been knocked out for, but it didn’t really matter. When we got back, the alarms were blaring and wolves were running back and forth, locked in combat with human guards. Kiba took me in through the back and I saw the remains of a fight that had already taken place.

I sucked in a breath at the carnage, taking in the mutant-looking creatures with their thin fur and gangly limbs spread out all over the ground, pale and lifeless. Many of them were in pieces.

“They’d taken you from me and they had to answer for it,” Kiba’s voice rang out in my head. I nodded into his shoulder, staying silent on top of him. I peered around, watching as he held back, and the others ran into the fray.

“We need help at the lower levels. The guards have come together to hold the lower entrance and are blocking the way to the beta enclosures,” Nikita called out and Kiba growled, the sound low and quiet. All the wolves around us perked up their ears and gathered together around their alpha.

“Then kill them.”

“Wait, you don’t have to do that,” I rushed to say, and he was silent. “Let me help. I know a way in,” I offered quietly.

Kiba grunted with displeasure.

“There is a lab down below, another entrance into where the betas were being kept prisoner. It wasn’t on the blueprints,” I quickly explained. “Let me lead you there and we can break out the betas without the guards finding out.” I knew the layout of that floor now and I was the only one who did. Without me, they wouldn’t be able to get out without killing everyone in the way.

Kiba was silent for a long moment, likely considering my words. I knew he didn’t enjoy killing anyone. He’d gone out of his way to make sure very few people died at the black site I’d been assigned to conduct research in and even in the planning of today’s mission, he’d been adamant about wanting to avoid killing humans.

“If we do this, you will not leave my side. If you do, I will not hesitate to take you over my knee right then and there to remind you who is the alpha and that will only preface the real punishment that you would get later. Do you understand me, mate?” he warned carefully.

I shivered, still sitting atop his back. My pussy clenched tightly, and my mouth went dry. I already knew I was in trouble for breaking into the compound on my own. I had no desire to make it any worse.

“Yes, alpha,” I responded quietly, my voice subdued. I wouldn’t fight him, and I didn’t want to. I had been extremely relieved that I had opened my eyes to find that he had rescued me, instead of finding myself in some derelict prison in some government facility or worse. I was safe in his arms and even if that meant I was going to be punished for what I had done, it left me with a sense of security and relief to be with him again.

“Now, make me proud and lead us,” he said after that, his voice cool and collected. He was a true leader, knowing when to claim the lead and when to allow others to take it for themselves. I was proud to call him my alpha. He knelt down and allowed me to climb off his back. I walked around the building, looking for the storage room I’d entered through before. It wasn’t far. I pushed open the window all the way this time and climbed inside. Kiba and a number of wolves followed behind me. Together, we made our way through the compound, finding most of the hallways abandoned and unguarded, which led me to believe that they were deeper in the lower levels. The alarm continued to blare loud over the speakers, but I did my best to ignore it.

I retraced my steps until I reached the more central area, deciding to use the lesser used service stairwells this time so that we wouldn’t run into anyone else. The wolves’ paws were silent on the floor as we walked, and I did my best to keep the sound of my boots as quiet as I could. We descended until I reached the laboratory area, leading them back through the metal door that I’d found earlier that day. The lab was abandoned now and in quite a bit more disarray than it had been before.

I hadn’t gone through the other door in here, but I would bet that it led right to the captive betas. I grabbed the metal doorknob and twisted it.

“I can feel them. My betas are close,” Kiba’s voice said quietly in my head.

Turns out I was right.

As soon as I opened the door, the betas began to howl. Their alpha had come for them. They were all in individual cages made of clear bulletproof glass and as soon as Kiba walked in, they began throwing their bodies against the walls that held them. There was a lanyard just to the right of the door with a keycard and when I picked it up, I realized that it had been Dr. Stevenson’s. I rushed forward and pressed it against the closest cage and the door slid open. In a hurry, I moved onto the next and the next, freeing more than two dozen different betas in less than a minute. Once they were all out, I turned back to Kiba and he nodded in my direction.

“Good work, my sweet omega,” he said proudly, and I couldn’t help myself as I smiled in return. “Retreat, Nikita. The betas are with me now.”

She didn’t ask questions. Instead, she simply relayed the order and the entire pack began to move out. I jumped up on Kiba’s back once more and we left the same way we had come in. We didn’t run into any more guards, likely due to the fact that Ashe was replaying old camera footage over and over to their systems in order to cover our tracks. We slipped out of the building with ease and before I knew it, we’d made it back to the back to the portion of the fence that I had cut through. I leapt down off of Kiba and crawled through, while the others followed.


Once more, I climbed up onto my alpha’s back and the pack sprinted off into the forest, using the shadows of the falling night to hide their escape.

* * *

The next several days were spent putting as much distance between the pack and the black site as possible. I ate berries along the way as a snack and a hearty meal of meat cooked over the fire from whatever the wolves hunted and caught for me that day. Finally, Kiba announced that we’d gone far enough, and the pack cheered with delight, knowing that they could settle down and rest. During that time, I’d fully recovered from my ordeal and the bump at the back of my head had gone away entirely. The cut healed quickly, not even leaving a scar.

One afternoon shortly thereafter, the two of us were sitting by the fire when I felt his mood change to something darker and far more dangerous.

Kiba shifted into his human form for the first time in days, and I licked my lips, taking a long moment to admire his chiseled and naked body. His chest rippled as he stared at me and I had the sudden feeling that I was in

a great deal of trouble. My nipples peaked and my pussy clenched as I sat there, still fully covered by the guard outfit I had stolen. He’d hinted at the fact that I’d earned a punishment before, so I knew it was coming. His dark eyes appraised me thoughtfully and I knew that time was now. I swallowed nervously and waited for what would come next.

“We have something to talk about, don’t we, little mate?” he began, and a shiver raced down my spine. There was something about the way he’d said those words that made me feel small and vulnerable and entirely too much like a naughty little girl. I bit my lip and curled my arms around my shoulders, feeling my thighs tremble with nervous anticipation.

“Yes, alpha,” I whispered, my voice quiet. Submissive.