“Those in the woods, take out the humans with the guns first. We will deal with the beasts,” I ordered. “Hold for a moment longer. You will attack on my word.”

“Yes, alpha,” my pack responded as one.

The engineered beasts dug at the dirt with their claws, ready for battle. They had no idea what was coming for them though. My pack was strong, and these monsters were going to find out exactly how fierce and tough we were, even if they had silver bullets.


The clearing exploded into a flurry of fur, claws, and bullets. My betas tore in from their positions in the woods behind them and attacked the men holding the back line, ripping into wrists and throats without pause while I and the others burst forward toward the beasts at the front. Our attack surrounded them in moments and the look in their eyes went wild. The sound of men screaming echoed as we shredded into their numbers, but I heard the distinct yelp of my betas in pain too. Our attack had not gone without sacrifice.

We fought onward. One of the monsters and I slammed into each other, while he tried to use his claws to tear into my flesh. He failed though. His claws weren’t going to slash at me, not ever. I used his momentary surprise at his botched attack and used my full body weight to slam him down to the ground hard. Without hesitation, I pressed myself onto him, biting into his throat and tearing through his jugular vein with my teeth. Blood spurted into my mouth and onto the dirt around me, but I didn’t care.

I moved onto the next. Quickly.

My pack worked in concert, taking out one man after the next. The copper scent of blood hung heavy on the air as we decimated their numbers. We ripped each one apart, limb by limb, until all their guns fell to the earth.

A shrill alarm began to ring, so loud that it made my ears flatten to my head.

More men poured out of the building, exiting through the same door that they’d carried Dawn out of. These men had a similar scent to the soldiers we’d already encountered, although it was weaker. The men were large, and though they appeared quite strong, they were no match for us.

My pack took care of them as though their deaths were simply child’s play.

After all that was over, a single man strode out from that door. He was bigger than all the rest and he had his gaze trained right on me. He was older, with long white hair and eyes flecked with yellow. He was wearing a pristine white lab coat and the hair on the back of my neck rose in alarm.

His scent was different. Stronger. More intense. He smelled of human and wolf and werewolf in a combination that was much more potent than the rest. It felt instinctually more dangerous than the men that we had already faced.

“I take it that you’re the leader,” he observed.

I growled low, warning the man that he was skating on thin ice. I wouldn’t hesitate to rip out his throat just as I had done to the abominations behind me. I had to end this and soon. The more time that passed, the farther away that black SUV would travel and the harder it would be to get my mate back.

“I’m going to take you alive. You would be the final ingredient for my perfect soldier. Your DNA is the answer that I’ve been waiting for. I’m sure of it,” the man whispered. His eyes opened just a hair too wide and I got the distinct impression that this man was insane.

“This one is mine,” I told my betas.

They continued to fight, taking down the rest of the men who had joined this one. They circled around me in a wide ring, using their presence simply to intimidate this man who had challenged their alpha.

“My work will be complete when I have your samples. You’ll make me famous,” the man whispered, his voice breaking with a distinctly unhinged tremor. His gaze remained trained on me, a certain deranged madness behind those wide eyes. He reached into the pocket of his lab coat and pulled out what looked like a small dart gun. Without hesitation, he aimed at me and engaged the trigger. Instinctively, I rolled to the side and the feathered dart landed in the dirt, directly in the spot where I’d been standing before.

His upper lip rolled and the feral insanity in his eyes intensified into fury. In a rush, his clothes were torn into shreds as his body increased in size, his muscles ripping through the threads of cloth as though they were sheets of paper. His canines and his claws lengthened, as did the thickness of his white hair. Coarse fur sprouted through his pale skin and he roared as he stared me down. His wolf features were stronger, but there were still elements of werewolf in his makeup. He still stood upright at nearly eight feet tall, long arms and legs flexing as he readied himself to attack. While his fur was denser than the others had been, it was still stringy and not nearly as thick as mine. His irises were flecked with both golden yellow and bright red. They were the eyes of an overzealous madman.

He burst toward me, his movement brash. I reared up on my hind legs and snarled as his body collided with mine, but I was still bigger and stronger. I was the top predator here on Earth, the ultimate design in natural perfection. Even with all his engineered traits, he would still end up being no match for me.

His insanity brought with it a certain ferocity though that made him the fiercest competition that I’d ever encountered thus far. I roared as he bit at my flesh, his sharp canines hard enough to just puncture through my skin. The sound of my growls thundered through the forest, deeper and far more ominous than his. My betas yipped and barked, having destroyed what was left of the soldiers.

Now they were watching me and cheering me on.

The ultimate showdown had begun. They knew better than to intervene. This was between me and this mad scientist.

My claws tore at him, our bodies tangled together as we fought. My movements were more precise and each time I bit at him or used my body to throw him to the ground, it started becoming more and more clear that I was the stronger out of the two of us. Almost imperceptibly, his kicks and punches began to weaken, and I began to take advantage of that. Using my entire weight, I threw him backwards and he stumbled, slamming into a tree directly behind him. The sound of his skull cracking against the trunk was sickeningly loud and the scent of his mutant blood was a bitter tang on the air.

He looked dazed for a long moment and I acted swiftly, throwing myself into him again and knocking his head against the tree once more. His eyes rolled back into his head for a second before he grinned in my direction, his crooked teeth reminding me of a rabid hyena. He screamed, the sound high pitched and eerie. In a last-ditch effort, he sprinted right at me, but I was ready for him.

I leapt up, using every ounce of my strength to propel myself off the ground. I opened my jaws and roared, colliding with him with full force. My front paws slammed into his chest and knocked him to the ground. I didn’t hesitate, not even for a moment. I ripped into his throat using every single bit of my strength. I tasted mutant flesh and blood, but I didn’t stop.

Not until he stopped moving. Not until he was dead beneath me.

When I was finally sure it was over, I pushed myself off of him and stared out at my pack. The alarm was still blaring, and Nikita’s voice echoed in my head.

“They know we’re here and security is on lockdown. We’ve managed to open the gate, but we’re going to need help,” she told me.