My mouth went dry.

He had been working on a genetic splicing project. He’d been taking the DNA from female beta embryos and combining it with human male genomes. This science wasn’t for the good of mankind. This felt sinister.

The goal of his study was to create an entire race of wolf shifter super soldiers that the government would own, right down to the identifier written into their DNA. I licked my lips and took several pictures of the notebook, horrified at what I found. He’d created a number of fertilized embryos and incubated them to a point where they were living and breathing. He’d also taken several human males and treated them with a number of genetic modifiers that induced a partial wolf shift. His notes indicated that the changes were exceedingly painful for his specimens.

It was all strangely clinical. He never referred to the humans as anything other than his specimens. I lifted my head, hid the phone inside my uniform, and stared at a second doorway, wondering if that’s where he kept the men and women he was testing on. There was a single computer and when I tapped the keyboard to turn it on, I found that it was locked. I turned away and approached the other door apprehensively when someone behind me cleared their throat.

“You’re not supposed to be here. Your badge doesn’t grant you access to this facility because it’s outside of your jurisdiction, so that tells me that you’re not a guard. The information contained in this lab is highly confidential and unfortunately for you, that means that you just signed your very own death warrant,” a male voice said.

I stilled.


“Dr. Stevenson,” I whispered, realizing it could be no one else.

“In the flesh,” he answered.

I turned around to face him.

He was an older man, potentially in his late fifties. His hair was mottled with white and gray, mixing with his natural dark chestnut color. His eyes were hard and unforgiving as he held up what appeared to be a small remote in his hand.

I reached for the gun at my waist and he shook his head as he clicked his tongue in annoyance.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Security is already on their way and not the type of security you’re masquerading as. You see, you’ve stumbled on a secret study funded by the Department of Defense. It doesn’t matter what you hear and see now though, because by the end of the day, you’re going to be either in prison or, better yet, dead,” he warned.

“You’re not going to get away with this,” I muttered.

He simply laughed. He chuckled at first, before it turned into a sinister bellow of laughter. I gritted my teeth and glared at him, and he laughed once more.

“You don’t know the kind of people you’re messing with, woman,” he finally responded after he was able to get his amusement under control.

In less than a minute, a security team burst through the door, only all of them were carrying assault rifles, unlike the guards I’d been impersonating. All of them were rough and gritty and in that moment, I sincerely began to fear for my life. I’d gotten into something that I wasn’t supposed to and now I was going to pay the price for it.

As Dr. Stevenson’s men surrounded me, they roughly pulled my hands behind my back a

nd strapped me in heavy handcuffs that I knew I’d be unable to break out of. Something hit me really hard in back of the head and my vision grew hazy.

I knew no more after that.

Chapter Eight


Capturing the delivery truck had been like taking candy from a baby. The hardest part had been getting the truck to stop, but all we had needed to do was push a fallen tree into the road, thereby making the path unpassable. There had only been the driver and a single guard, which left them incredibly unprepared for me and the combined strength of my pack. We’d taken the two men captive and tied them up to a tree after divesting them of all their clothes, leaving them completely naked. A few betas stayed behind to guard them.

Nikita had dressed the part of the driver while her brother Flint took the position of guard. Her team climbed into the back of the big rig while she and Flint took the head of the truck, readying themselves to drive and begin the most important part of their mission. I closed the back of the storage container behind them, whispering words of encouragement to the rest of the team hidden inside. Then we moved the log and cleared the road, allowing them to travel through the forest unhindered.

We followed about half a mile behind, under the cover of the brush at the side of the road. There had been no security patrolling the woods. It was all eerily quiet, and I got the feeling that things were going far too easily.

They’d gotten the truck into the black site compound almost effortlessly. The security guard at the gate had only checked Nikita’s ID with hardly even a cursory glance. I watched the gate open and then close behind them, locking them inside as they pulled away to the receiving area where they’d use the truck as their own personal Trojan horse. We waited behind in case we were needed. We’d only head in if we were given the signal. If Nikita called for me, the rest of us would answer and create so much organized chaos that we’d break the betas out just like we’d done in the previous location. They were going to get out no matter what happened. I didn’t care if the whole thing went quietly or not. I was going to free them, once and for all.

In the meantime, I found myself thinking of my mate, of the way her beautiful body molded to my own and of the soft whines that escaped her lips as I touched her and showed her that she would forever be mine in more ways than one. I could feel her heart beating, the tension of her nerves while she waited for me to return, and I smiled knowing what was to come after this was all over.

Out of habit, I sniffed the air and I could feel that she was close... much closer than she should be if she were actually where I’d told her to be right now. There was no way that she was back at base camp. She must have ignored my instructions and come here on her own.

Naughty girl. She was going to get spanked for that. Just thinking about her naked form over my knees made me hard and I found myself looking forward to putting her there and reddening her gorgeously bared backside. I couldn’t wait to make her spread her thighs after I punished her, knowing that I’d find her soaking wet for me. After that, I’d make her beg for the privilege to come for me, over and over until there were tears running down her pretty cheeks.

Ever since I had found her and shown her that her place was naked by my side, our connection had only grown stronger. Our destinies were tied together as one and the magic of the earth was only serving to bring us even closer. Through that link, I could feel her worry, her joy, her pleasure, whatever she was feeling at any particular moment. I knew when she was missing home and her former life, and I did everything I could to ensure that I distracted her from those feelings whenever that happened.