I blushed when I realized where my thoughts had gone. I took a deep breath and shoved them away, knowing I had to focus on my own mission ahead.

“When I return with the rest of my betas, I’m going to take you into the woods and fuck that little pussy hard enough to remind you that no matter what, I’m always going to be your alpha. When I’m finally through with you, that pretty pussy is going to be very sore because that’s exactly how I want it,” he whispered in my ear and I couldn’t help myself as a moan escaped my lips despite everything in me trying to stop it.

My pussy tightened and his fingers caressed my hardened nipples.

“I can smell just how wet that makes you, my little mate,” he murmured, and my hips unconsciously twitched in the direction of his cock.

“You will think of me when I’m gone. You may tease that little clit of yours from time to time, but you are not allowed to come. When I return, you’ll be allowed to come all over my cock and not a moment before,” he instructed, and I whimpered with need.

“Behave, little mate,” he warned.

“I will, alpha,” I answered.

“Good girl,” he replied.

“Stay safe, Kiba,” I finally managed to whisper.

He turned me around and leaned down, capturing me in a kiss that left me breathless and wanting. When he eventually pulled away from me, he stared down at me and I carefully schooled my expression, taking care to think only about the wetness between my thighs and not about the fact that I was going to deliberately break into the black site compound despite his explicit instructions that I not get involved. His eyes narrowed a little in suspicion and I rounded my shoulders, reaching for him and capturing his fingers in mine. I squeezed them gently and the look of apprehension he was giving me softened.

Nikita called for him and I released his hand. He turned and I knew he was going to focus on the pack for the day, rather than me. I slipped into the woods

and waited for the pack to begin to move. It wouldn’t be long now.

Kiba and his group took off first, assigned the task of taking over the delivery truck while it was in route to the black site compound. His team would ensure that Nikita’s much smaller one could hide inside the back of the truck and break the betas out from within while also allowing the rest of the pack into the complex.

It would turn into organized chaos, which would prove perfect for my own mission.

When the abandoned building area was deserted of all members of the pack, I made my way out of the woods and retrieved my supplies. I pulled on the guard uniform, grateful for the shield mask designed to protect my face from danger because it would also hide my identity. Pulling on the uniform made me feel powerful and almost invincible.

I pulled the keycard out of my pocket and clipped it to the uniform, ensuring that it wouldn’t be lost on the trek to the black site. I clipped a number of weapons onto my belt including a knife, a Taser, and a small handgun, ensuring it was fully loaded. I also grabbed a cell phone, one of a number of burners that Flint and Ashe had acquired and opened up the location tracking software. I put in the position of the compound and set out on my way. My movements were quick and sure as I traveled south. The compound was about four miles away and I jogged most of it, arriving just outside the barbed wire fence in about an hour. I powered down the burner when I closed in on it, using the brush to hide my advance. There wasn’t a lot of it, and I stilled when I saw a guard walking around the perimeter with an identical uniform to the one that I was wearing.

I watched him as he strode around, his eyes glancing around for a moment before he stared back at the ground. I knew from the wolves’ reconnaissance that the fence wasn’t electrified so when I pressed my fingers against it, it reminded me of every other wired fence I’d ever come across. It was normal and had spots of rust but blended in well with the shrubbery. Some places were even covered with vines and I chose one of those to hide behind as I took a pair of wire cutters out from my pocket.

Quietly, I clipped through the fence, taking my time and making sure that I hid in a nearby ditch every time another guard came to walk the perimeter. This particular spot wasn’t very visible, and it made cutting through the metal much easier because of it. I cut a door into the fence and peeled it open when the inside was unguarded, and then I squeezed myself past it. Quickly, I replaced the fence, ensuring that it appeared as though it had never been tampered with in the first place.

I meant to use it to escape from when I’d finished gathering the scientific intel I’d come for. I would slip in and out undetected, blending in with the rest of the humans that worked here until I found exactly what I wanted.

For the moment, this back section of the compound was abandoned, and I walked hurriedly to one of the windows in the back. I found it unlocked and pushed it open, climbing inside as silently as I could. I’d chosen this entryway specifically because it led into a storage room that was hardly used according to the camera footage I’d fast forwarded through last night. Quickly, I made my way to the front and pressed my ear to the door. I heard nothing and prepared myself to move on.

I slipped into the hallway unnoticed. Another guard walked by me and didn’t say a word, but the walkie-talkie on his waist blurted out something about an incoming delivery. Nikita and her team would be on the back of that truck. I’d beaten them inside. I grinned, my face safely hidden behind the mask I was wearing and made my way through the building. With the uniform, I fit right into the guards patrolling the hallways and none of them gave me a second look. I was just a part of the scenery to those who worked here.

I passed by a number of men and women in suits, official-looking individuals who didn’t care who I was or what I was doing. No one asked me for identification or what my job was because my disguise was the perfect ruse. I walked the halls and made my way down several stairwells until I came to the floor that the labs I’d observed were on. I wasn’t stopped, not even once.

Here, men and women wore lab coats instead of suits. Some of them were even dressed in heavy personal protective equipment that reminded me of the biohazard suits I’d seen in the movies. It was around lunchtime and as I peered through the glass walls of the laboratories, I found that most of them were abandoned. I made my way inside and started to look through whatever I could find. There were lab notebooks on the counters and computers open and logged in along the back of each lab bay. I opened the nearest notebook I could find and flipped through, finding evidence of different compound structures and experiments in an effort to identify what made the betas go infertile. In another, I found differing information looking into what made the betas live for so long and what component of their biological system made them essentially immortal.

The scientists had gotten far in their research. I scanned through their data, looking at all the different sequencing they performed, along with spectrometry analysis of the protein structure and overexpression experiments they had performed. They had several ongoing aging experiments with mice where they’d extended their lifespan to almost double.

I took as many pictures as I could with the burner phone at my disposal. I lifted a USB drive off one of the nearby desks and copied all the data I could find off of the lab’s internal servers. I stored a number of different samples in a thick packing container and poured some liquid nitrogen within it, ensuring that what I took wouldn’t break down until I could put it in its proper storage conditions at the right temperatures they needed to be kept.

I’d be able to take this information and approach any pharmaceutical company with it. I’d be able to sell the information for the pack’s gain and ensure we had plenty for the pack to live off of for the rest of our lives. We’d have enough funds to disappear out of the country and find somewhere safe to live. I’d be able to secure enough to ensure that the Department of Paranormal Activity never bothered my pack again.

When I was finished, I stood up and wandered down toward the end of the lab, and then I noticed a massive steel door that wasn’t supposed to be there. It hadn’t been on any of the blueprints that I’d studied. I scanned my keycard in front of it and it beeped once and then twice before it blinked green. The door slid open and I strode inside. What the heck was this?

I knew today was the weekend and nearly every lab I’d ever encountered had people working inside it no matter the time of day or week, but not this one. Nobody was inside. It was also extraordinarily clean in that every surface was organized and wiped down. All the bottles were labeled and dated. There was a single lab notebook on the bench, and I picked it up.

I opened it and started to read.

It belonged to a Dr. Richard Stevenson. He wasn’t working on the immortality project, or the infertility one. He was working on something else entirely.