I watched the fire pop and listened to its crackle, remembering what the wolves looked like in battle. I’d seen the very things Kiba had talked about that morning. I’d seen how invincible the wolves had been and how the humans had the distinct disadvantage in almost every way. I’d seen the humans’ inevitable loss.

I lifted my head and stared into his eyes.

“What is it?”

“Silver,” he answered.

“Really? Like in the movies?” I chewed my lip.

“Yes. Although we’re distant relatives to the werewolf, we retain the same weakness. We’ve kept it a closely guarded secret though and it seems that your Department of Paranormal Activity assumed it was just a myth as they didn’t attack any of my people with silver bullets or blades. We may not always be so lucky, but we have to take our wins as they come,” he continued.

“I wouldn’t have ever guessed,” I murmured. He traced his fingers along my shoulder and up into my hair, petting me softly until I hummed in pleasure.

“It’s my role to lead them but I also must keep them safe. As my mate, I trust that you will share that with me because now t

hey are your people too. You’re a part of the pack and that means you are family now. They will protect you as we protect them,” he whispered, and each word seemed to sink down into my soul. I felt connected to them.

I knew then that what he said was true. I’d always been a loner, always stuck with my head in a book or in an office or holed up in lab late into the hours of the night. I didn’t have to be that way any longer. These people were my pack now.

I watched as they sang and danced together, as they smiled and joked together. Couples were kissing and friends were laughing.

There was one thing missing though.

Children. Not a single one ran around, giggling and toasting marshmallows over the fire or sword fighting with sticks or doing cartwheels in the grass.

The betas were infertile.

Not a single one of them could bear children, but now the alpha had arrived and taken me as his mate. My children would be able to breed, allowing the rest to have children once more so that the shifters could remain a part of this world.

Kiba and I brought the pack hope. I understood that now.

I curled into Kiba’s arms, welcoming the peace he offered. Tomorrow I would think about the betas that were wrongly imprisoned and we’d all figure a way to free the rest of them. Tonight though, I would enjoy the arms of my alpha.

“Would you kiss me?” I ventured, my voice so quiet I was sure he wouldn’t hear me.

He boldly took my chin in his fingers and caressed my lower lip with his thumb before he pulled me into a kiss that was so gentle and soft that it left me breathless. It was tender but so thorough that my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. My breath became his and, in that moment, we were one. When his lips left mine, I drew in a gulp of air and lifted my eyes to meet his.

I was naked in his arms. He’d taken my world and turned it upside down in a matter of hours, but now as I stared into those liquid blue irises, I saw something else. I saw my future, together with him. My skin tingled, a feeling unlike I’d ever experienced before. It was magical, an enchanted pull between us that I could no longer deny. It was like the earth beneath our feet was pushing us together to be one.

He was the alpha. I was the omega.

We were fated to be together. I was his and he was mine.

It felt as if the very air itself was calling for our union.

Maybe it was.

His arms tightened around me and I wondered if he could feel it too.

* * *

When the sun rose the next day, the pack seemed restless and anxious. Kiba quickly took control and started gathering the betas and instructing them on what the next few days would bring. He sent some ahead to hunt, while the rest he directed to follow the two of us.

We were beginning our journey to rescue the betas that morning. It was going to be a long and hard trek through the woods, but everyone’s faces remained serious and an ominous feeling came over the pack as we prepared for the journey.

Kiba and I didn’t get any time alone together that day. Occasionally though, I would feel his fingers caress my back and a sliver of happiness would hurtle through me. I knew he was thinking of me and despite the soreness in my body from his hard use of me the day before, I couldn’t wait for the opportunity for it to happen once again.

When it was time to leave, the entire pack shifted into wolf form. Kiba knelt down and I climbed up onto his back, holding onto his strong neck as he took those first fateful steps toward freeing the rest of his betas.