Chapter Six


My mate was perfect. Mine. I loved the way her body responded to me even as her mind fought her rightful place. The connection between us went far deeper than she was aware of though. I had felt it the moment I’d laid my eyes on her. It was the omega within her. It answered only to me as the alpha, her alpha. It was written deep into her genetic code, only released and activated once I arose from the earth. It was as though a tether tied our hearts together as one, a magical link between us demanding that I breed her as hard and fast as possible.

I was a patient man though. She would be bred in due time, but it had to be when she was safe and sound. I would not have her pregnant and in danger as we traveled and fought to release the betas that the government was still holding captive. I gritted my teeth together, allowing the smoldering anger inside me to brew to life. They were my people. They did not deserve to be held prisoner and I would do everything in my power to ensure their freedom, no matter what it took.

I did not know much about this government my mate spoke of, but I would question her about it.

I could ask one of my betas, but I would rather she speak to me and tell me of her world. I would listen and she would tell me. I wanted to know more about her. I wanted to know everything there was to know. I craved the sound of her voice.

The moment I’d laid my eyes on her, I’d known that she would be mine forever. Her brilliant green eyes were flecked with shades of blue and chocolate brown, colors of Mother Nature and of the earth itself. Her golden blonde hair was long and free and hung down to the middle of her back. The gentle breeze made it sway in the wind, swirling around her toned body in a way that was both alluring and awe-inspiring.

I wanted to take her into my arms and make love to her once more. She was a flawless picture of beauty and perfection. My mate.

I didn’t do any either of those things though. Instead, I took her hand and gently helped her to her feet. I took a few seconds to admire her naked form and the way her pert breasts swung a little with her movements, both large enough to fill the palms of my hands. Her lean stomach gave way to curvy hips. Toned thighs spoke to the care she took in her body, a silent measure of the strength within her.

Her feet remained protected in her shoes and I would see that they stayed that way. I was used to walking barefoot but her skin was delicate and soft, easily broken by a sharp rock or jagged branch. Lifting up her hand, I walked around her and assessed the marks I’d left behind on her skin. Her bottom was crisscrossed with little welts all across her skin and was still quite pink from my palm. Her breasts were marked less so, as I’d take a lighter hand to them. Her pussy had tiny little lines that spoke to the very thorough switching she’d received there too.

She’d remain welted for the rest of the day. They would disappear overnight. She’d been punished and would be quite sore, but I’d never really mar her perfect dewy skin.

Her fingers tightened around mine and I lifted my gaze to see a rosy blush highlight her cheekbones. I liked that I had that effect on her. I’d have to admire her naked body like this more often.

“Come. Let’s meet up with the rest of the pack,” I suggested, and she nodded slightly. There was a sparkle in her eye, and I studied her more closely, sensing a streak of rebelliousness within her still, even after a spanking, switching, and a great many forced orgasms.

Should she defy me, I had many more ways to break her. I had a feeling she’d learn about them one day, maybe even one day soon.

* * *

During the walk to where I’d instructed the pack to gather, I questioned Dawn about the inner workings of her government. She answered what she could and described how it all worked to the best of her ability. I learned the Department of Paranormal Activity had jumped into her life only just yesterday, taking her and depositing her in a world where shifters like me were real. It baffled me that she hadn’t known of our kind or the other types of paranormal creatures that walked the land with us, but I didn’t voice my surprise.

She hadn’t known about me or her role as an omega. She’d known none of that. Now though, I was going to teach her about all of it. I was going to bring her into my world.

I held her hand loosely and she held mine. Her fingers were soft and small, fitting perfectly in mine because they were made for it.

When I noticed that the sun was starting to descend in the sky, I shifted into my wolf form and instructed Dawn to climb onto my back. I knelt down for her and her small fingers grasped at my fur as she pulled herself up onto my shoulders.

“Hold on. Wrap your arms around my throat. I’m going to run, and I want you secure,” I told her. I felt her thighs press against me and then her arms wound around me. Her hold was tight. She was strong and I was even more sure of it now.

I took off into the woods. My gait was slow at first as she balanced herself on my spine, learning to move with my body as I ran. Gradually though, her grip grew tighter and surer as I traveled, and I began to increase my pace until I was sprinting at full speed.

Running like this felt like freedom and it was at times like these that I felt most connected with the magic of the earth. The wind caressed through the strands of my fur and I ran even harder. My muscles warmed at the exertion and it made me feel alive, knowing my pack was waiting for my return. They were going to meet my mate for the first time, and I couldn’t wait to show her off.

The hours passed and the sun set, giving way to twinkling stars overhead. The crescent moon rose on the horizon, and its light cut down to the forest floor. My eyes were well adjusted to the darkness of the wilds though. I was made for traveling like this, either in the full light of day or in the shadows of night.

My claws dug into the dirt beneath my feet, propelling me forward with every step. Dawn’s breathing was quick, showcasing her excitement and exhilaration as she hugged her arms around my neck. I could feel her joy and that impelled me to move even faster. I crossed one mile after the next and before long, I could feel that my pack was close. I called for them and told them to prepare for my arrival.

Before long, I could smell the aroma of venison cooking on an open campfire. The place I’d chosen for my pack was inaccessible from the ground for most humans. The forest was dense, and their planes couldn’t land between the trees or the mountains. Much of the trails into the area were overgrown and not well traveled. My wolves had gone deep and as I made my way to them, I was even more sure that this was a good place to shelter and regroup as the once-captive members took their rightful places in my pack.

“We’re ready for your arrival, alpha,” one of my female betas answered.

“Good,” I answered. “I have retrieved my mate. You all will give your respect to the omega upon my return.”

Every single beta there would have heard me. They would know that I was coming and that I had found my mate, that I was carrying with me the future of the pack.

Not long after, I broke out into a small clearing where my pack was waiting. There was a least a hundred of them now, spread out amongst the grass and in the trees. They were all in wolf form and it was a sight to behold as every single one of them bowed their heads in reverence to me and my mate. I stopped, knelt down and allowed Dawn to climb off my back. She blushed again beautifully, and I smiled knowingly. It shamed her to be naked in front of the pack, but her nipples peaked, and I knew that pretty pussy would be soaked when I inspected it later.

She’d get used to it sooner or later.