“We are fated mates, sweet girl. I am the alpha and you are my omega. The two of us were destined to be together. We were meant to find each other. You are mine and you will bear my children. The two of us will continue the shifter line, ensuring that the pack continues on for the next several hundred years until the next alpha arises,” he explained.

“Your children,” I repeated softly.

“Yes. Our beta offspring will be fertile for several generations, ensuring that the pack remains viable for a good long while,” he explained.

I’d never thought about being a mother. It had never been a part of my vision for the future, at least not until now. For some reason, thinking about having children with Kiba seemed right and the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I wanted it too.

I shouldn’t be feeling these things. It was too soon, too fast. But the longer he held me in his arms and the more I breathed in his perfect scent, the more connected to him I felt and the more I never wanted to leave his side.

Maybe it was magic or maybe it was truly fate, but either way, I was his now. The residual ache across my breasts and my backside, as well as inside my throat and my pussy, was a constant reminder of that, as was the continual beat of my heart.

“That hurt,” I whined.

“It was supposed to,” he chuckled softly. I pouted and he lightly patted my cheek with his hand. “You needed a very thorough lesson because you were disobedient. As a result, I had to punish you in order to teach you your rightful place.”

My pussy clenched tightly at his words. I couldn’t bear to meet his eyes, so I turned away, feeling myself blush at my body’s traitorous reaction. His fingers returned to my chin and he forced me to meet his gaze once more. I fidgeted and hummed with shame, even as his fingers drifted across my thigh. I squirmed as those same fingers pressed between my legs and into my moist folds. I was wet for him once more.

“You were made for me, little mate. I am pleased to find you this way for me, even after I’ve already made you come for me many times today. Your body knows its master,” he said quietly, and the rumble of his seductive voice made my legs tremble a little with need.

For a while, the two of us were silent. I stayed in his lap and he held me gently the entire time. I enjoyed his embrace and the quiet as I tried to come to terms with all that had happened to me in the last forty-eight hours.

“They’re going to be looking for me back there. The government paid a lot of money to bring me in to study your kind,” I finally said, and he grunted in acknowledgement. I pushed against his chest and sat up straight, staring at him more boldly now.

“They’ll come after me,” I added.

“I imagine they will,” he replied.

“That does not worry you?” I asked and he shook his head.

“It doesn’t because we’re going to be long gone by the time they start looking,” he answered.

“You’re not going to bring me back?” I questioned him.

“No. I’m not,” he said curtly. I chewed at my lip, trying to process this information.

“They brought me in to complete a job,” I answered.

“You have a new one and that is to be by my side, mate,” he replied as he stared into my eyes, his gaze dangerous. “You will do well to remember that.”

I pressed my lips together. I was never one to sit back and just let others dictate how I lived my life, but now was not the time to push him, not after the punishment I’d just been given by his hand.

“Where will you take me?” I decided to ask instead.

“South. There is another facility holding my betas prisoner. We will go there and free them.”

“How do you know?”

“I can sense them, just like I could with you, little omega,” he replied.

I shivered against him.

“Come, it’s time to meet up with the others,” he dictated.

“I have no clothes,” I said with a pout.

“You won’t need them. You will remain naked until I decide that you’ve earned the privilege of clothing once again,” he commanded.

My nipples peaked and my pussy clamped down hard. I didn’t know why I’d reacted that way, but I couldn’t deny that I liked it.