
I had a feeling my ordeal was far from over and once he began to speak, I knew I was right.

“I’ll never give you more than you can take, my sweet omega, but you earned a very thorough punishment and it isn’t over yet. What happens next is going to ensure that you won’t ever forget your place again. Now you’re going to pick out three switches for me in three different lengths. The thickest and the longest one will be used to thoroughly switch your already sore little bottom. The medium length one will be used to punish your breasts and those delightfully pretty nipples. Then, after all that is over, I’ll use the smallest one to switch that pretty little pussy until you promise me that you will be a good little omega who will always obey her alpha,” he explained darkly.

My mouth went dry and I could have sworn my stomach dropped straight to my toes. He wasn’t serious. He couldn’t be.

“Please,” I begged. “I’ve learned my lesson.”

“You’re not the one who gets to decide that anymore, my beautiful omega. I’ve decided that your lesson needs to continue, and you don’t have a choice about whether or not you’re going to take it. It’s not up to you. It’s up to me,” he replied firmly.

A soft whimper escaped my lips. I quivered with need. His words made me afraid, but they also did very strange things to my body. My breasts were heavy with desire, my nipples pebbled into tender little peaks at the prospect of feeling the merciless bite of a switch. My pussy tightened and my clit throbbed as I wondered it how very much was going to hurt to be switched there too.

I feared getting a switching, but it also made me wet knowing it was going to happen very soon whether I wanted it to or not. He’d decided that he was going to give me one and it didn’t matter what I thought about it.

I’d never felt more out of control than I did now. He’d taken every ounce of it for himself. I didn’t understand why that aroused me so much.

“Sir,” I pleaded, hiding my face in his shoulder.

“Do you want another spanking before your switching, little mate?” he asked, his voice laced with a very real threat.

“No, sir,” I answered quickly, feeling very small and vulnerable. There was no doubt in my mind now that he wouldn’t follow through with what he said he would do. If he wanted to spank me again, he would.

“I don’t know what to look for in a switch. I’ve never been switched before, sir,” I said quietly, knowing that I was going to have to find several that pleased him very soon whether I liked it or not.

“The branch is not to be too thick, but slender and supple so that it is flexible. Younger trees are best for this and yield a number of thin branches that would make good switches. Once you choose one, I will break it off for you. I will then remove the leaves and twigs stemming off of it. When you have chosen your three switches and I’m pleased with your choices, the rest of your punishment will begin,” he explained.

My pussy clenched hard. As afraid as I was right now, I’d never wanted to orgasm so badly in my life.

He offered me a hand and I used it to stand on shaky legs. I met those icy blue eyes, finding them staring back at me with unmerciful firmness.

Reluctantly, I turned away and walked over to some nearby trees. I found a young sapling and ran my fingers along its wood, trying to figure out exactly what he was looking for. He had warned me before that if my choices didn’t please him, he’d break one off himself and switch me so hard that it broke and then I’d have to choose another. This would happen again and again until he was happy with the switches that I’d picked, I had no doubt of that.

I swallowed nervously.

Something loud cracked behind me and I turned back to him. He’d taken two rocks in his hands and had smashed them together, creating some sort of makeshift blade that I assumed he’d used to trim the branches that were soon going to be whipping the very naked and most tender places on my body.

I started looking amongst the trees once more, trying to find the perfect one that would please him.

I found a thin branch as long as my arm and pointed it out to him. He walked over to join me and used his stone blade to cut it off. Anxiously, I watched him as he trimmed off the leaves and the smaller twigs until he had one single long switch. He placed it on top of a boulder nearby. It was rather ominous as it laid there, an innocent branch that was about to play a not so innocent role in the punishing of my already very sore backside.

“This is a good choice. It will mark your bottom nicely,” he said, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I understood what he was looking for now.

I looked carefully and chose another that was about half the size of the first one. It was about the length of my forearm and a bit thinner. He grunted his approval, cutting that one and trimming it just as he’d done the other. When he was finished, he laid it beside the longer switch and I swallowed nervously as I thought about the fact that it was going to whip my breasts, as well as my nipples very soon.

“Time to choose the one that will punish that very pretty and very wet little pussy. This switch will hurt the most, sweet girl, but you’re going to take it because it’s exactly what you need,” he said sternly, and I whimpered quietly. I pressed my legs together anxiously as if that would protect me from what was to come, and I couldn’t help but notice that my inner thighs were soaked with my arousal.

I fidgeted nervously as I looked at the tree, feeling like I was being forced to play an active role in my very own doom. Having to choose each switch made the possibility of it actually happening very real, making me anticipate what each one would feel like as it whipped against my skin.

With even more reluctance, I reached for the shorter branches, feeling for the suppleness and flexibility that would be required in order to whip the place in between my thighs. A number were far too brittle, and I passed over them before I found one that was about half the length of the medium one that I’d already chosen. This one seemed so much worse though, since I knew it was going to switch the most sensitive spot on my body. I had a feeling it was going to make me cry and he was going to be able to see every last tear when it finally happened.

“This one, sir,” I whispered, my mouth as dry as cotton.

He took it in his fingers and ran them down the length of the branch, testing it and flexing it back and forth before he purred his agreement. I would have sighed in relief that I’d chosen acceptable switches and that I wasn’t going to be whipped with one until it broke, but it also meant that the rest of my punishment was going to happen far sooner than I was ready for. It was going to begin now.

He laid the third switch on the boulder by the others. I stared at it with extreme reluctance and tried to swallow away my unquenchable fear and ever-building desire.

Then he picked up what remained of my shirt and tossed it over a fallen log. Calmly, he extended his arm toward me and I tentatively took it, knowing that I had no other choice. With a gentleness I wasn’t sure I deserved, he led me over to the log and laid me over top of it lengthwise. After that, he tore strips of cloth from what remained of my jeans. I waited, staying where he put me.