I grabbed a piece of bread and smeared it with butter. I took a large bite, but the freshly baked bun tasted like ash in my mouth. I washed it down with more mead and the king looked at me out of the corner of his eye, a strange look of victory on his face. He was rather proud of himself and that made me feel nauseous.

“I’ve wanted you for a long time, Freya. As your king, you will bow to me. You will give yourself to me tonight at my word,” he threatened.

My alpha growled silently inside me. My fury smoldered and I did everything in my power to quiet that anger. I didn’t like the challenge in his eyes. My alpha balked at it.

“I am an alpha, my king. I am not made to bend to your will like an omega,” I scowled.

“You will,” he answered.

“You seem awfully sure of that,” I replied heatedly.

“You will give yourself

to me if you know what’s good for you,” he responded.

I knew what he was doing.

He was trying to make himself more powerful. Through conquering the one woman who refused to be tamed, he would make himself seem even stronger to our clan and to the rest of the world. He wanted to become a legend amongst our people, and he was going to try to use me to do it. My upper lip rolled in defiance. I didn’t even care if he saw it or not anymore.

If he thought he could master me solely with his cock, he was sorely mistaken. He may be my king, but he would never be my alpha.

He slammed back his ale and started to drum his mug on the table. The rest of the Great Hall followed suit, and that’s when the shameful calls for my very public fucking began. Some called for the king to tear my clothes off. Others wanted him to rip my tunic open so they could see my breasts. Still, more called for the baring of my pussy and there were quite a few that demanded the reddening of my backside over the king’s knee as a rightful reminder of my place before him.

Tradition demanded these things. I fucking hated it all right then.

I didn’t want any of it. I wasn’t going into heat. I wasn’t wet with omega slick. My body wasn’t calling for the satisfaction that only an alpha cock could provide. My alpha wasn’t responding to his in the slightest, which meant that everything that was going to follow would be especially painful. An omega’s heat prepared her to take something as enormous as an alpha’s cock inside her. I wouldn’t have that advantage.

I swallowed heavily. His cock would be very large, and I was a virgin. It was going to hurt and that wasn’t all of it. Once he was ready, he’d push all the way inside me and his knot would inflate, hooking behind my pelvic bone and ensuring that every drop of his seed was contained inside my body.

I had no doubts that my lack of estrous would ensure that it would be agony.

“Stand up, Freya,” the king said softly.

I pressed my palms down on the table, chewing the inside of my cheek as I stood up. The scraping of my chair against the stone behind me sounded ridiculously loud, only overtaken by the constant hammering of my heart. I heard the king’s own seat next as he stood beside me. I was tall for a female, but he was still taller than me. His body mass was a bit smaller than the typical alpha but still much larger than my own.

I knew he was strong. I’d seen him fight in battle, just like he’d seen me fight at his side.

I could do this. It was just another battle I had to fight. I could take the pain. I’d been wounded in raids before and had my flesh flayed open on the edge of a knife a great many times. After all of that, how bad could it be to take a cock?

He touched me. I pulled in a shaky breath.

I felt his fingers grasp the back of my tunic. Slowly, he untied the leather laces, pulling them out one by one and prolonging my torment. My tunic loosened and when he had fully removed the laces, he held my top in place, almost as a reminder that he could do whatever he wished with me, just because he had claimed me as his.

I seethed in silence.

The crowd had gone silent. They were looking forward to seeing every last moment. The establishment of a pair bond was a rare and highly anticipated event, especially when it was between a king and his chosen queen.

This one would be especially memorable for them all because everyone watching knew that I was no omega. They knew this would be an even more rare spectacle than any other mating that had ever been seen before.

We were both alphas.

This was something that was going to be talked about for ages. They would sing songs about the fierce shield maiden who was taken by her king after a great victory.

I shuddered. My fury roiled inside me and I tried to push it away, but it flared forth once he let go of the tunic and it toppled to the floor. I lifted my chin, feeling a flush come over my cheeks as my breasts were bared for the first time. My nipples hardened and I quietly swallowed my shame and rage. I wasn’t reacting to the king. It was the cold air that caressed my breasts, but the crowd roared with approval all the same. They thought I was turned on.

I wasn’t.

They wanted to hear me scream my pleasure as I came all over the king’s cock.