Page 5 of Bride

He still didn’t answer. He ran his fingers along the curves of my hip until he grazed the lower part of my bottom cheek. I was grateful that it was still covered by my skirt.

“Stop it, you bastard. I’ll have your balls for this,” I screamed. “Goddamn motherfucker. Is this the only way you can get a woman? By forcing yourself on her?”

His fingers continued to explore my backside, just skimming back and forth like he owned it.

“I’ll sue you for every single cent that you’re worth, asshole. Let me go and I’ll just forget that this whole thing ever happened,” I growled.

He just kept surveying my body with that sure and steady hand. I continued to call him every name in the book. I threatened him. I did everything I could think of to warn him off, but his touch never wavered. Not even once.

With intention, his hand dipped beneath my skirt. He didn’t pull it up. Not yet. Instead, his fingers just slipped underneath and slid along the flesh of my bottom until they crept close enough to touch the cusp of my thighs.

“Stop! What are you doing?” I cried out.

He continued to ignore me, and I stiffened as three of his fingers pressed against the gusset of my panties. The only thing that was separating my bare skin from his touch was a thin piece of lacey fabric that felt so sheer, it was as if it almost wasn’t there.

Without my consent, my clit pulsed wildly with arousal.

A rather pitiful sound of shock and needy desire escaped my lips and I clamped them shut. I pressed my forehead against the desk in shame. There was no way he wouldn’t have heard that and nothing I could do would take it back.

His fingers lingered, teasing me delicately through the thin cloth. With everything in me, I forced myself to keep still, but every stroke was awakening something deep in me and I was doing my best to ignore that impulse.

I didn’t want to want him.

I refused to think anything more about it, but as his fingers continued to tease me, it became more and more difficult. My legs shook just the tiniest bit and then he slid his hand far enough away to slip his fingertips

beneath the lacey hem of my panties. I stiffened and tried to press my thighs back together, thinking I might block him from touching my pussy directly.

With cruel intention, he grasped my panties and tore them clean off.

Chapter 2

I wasn’t ready for that.

For a moment, silence reigned and then the terrible agony between my thighs bloomed. The lacey fabric gripped at my tender folds, pinching and scraping them as he tore the panties away. The hardest part was when the cloth punished my clit, already so sensitive from his rough touch.

My knees knocked together as I struggled to take it. I shrieked noisily, and he chuckled softly behind me, the effect of his laughter intensifying my anxiety that much more.

“My my, Zoe. With that mouth, you would think I was killing you,” he began. I opened my lips to give him a piece of my mind, but he shoved my panties right in my mouth. “You protest, sweet girl, but there was a wet spot on your panties for me. Surely you can taste your own arousal on your tongue.”

I went to spit them out, but he was ready for that. Swiftly, he wound his tie around my head, securing the makeshift gag inside my mouth as he knotted it behind my head. I struggled on the desk, screaming into the fabric, and that’s when I realized that he was right. There was a musky sweet flavor seeping across my mouth. I swallowed hard, realizing that it could be only one thing.

He kicked my feet apart again, making me spread my thighs. Despite the fact that he’d torn my panties clean off, my skirt was still in place. I pressed my palms flat against the desk and closed my eyes, forced to face the fact that my panties were wet, my pussy had been wet—was still wet—and I could feel all of it. I could feel my arousal beginning to drip down my legs, and for the first time I was grateful that he couldn’t see my face.

I shouldn’t be reacting like this. I shouldn’t be aroused by this.

I shouldn’t be thinking about what it would feel like to have his cock deep inside me instead. I didn’t recognize myself.

I stilled. I stopped fighting. Instead, I just lay against the desk and tried to come to terms with the fact that there was a very dark part of me that I’d never known existed before.

“I want you to listen to what I’m about to say, Zoe,” he began, and I couldn’t ignore the way my clit throbbed with need at the possessiveness in his tone.

His palm cupped my bottom, squeezing it tight enough to hurt just the slightest bit.

“I’m going to spank you and then I’m going to fuck you. It’s not a punishment for slapping me or even for all the insults you hurled my way. It isn’t for any of that because you didn’t know any better when you did it. You’re going to get a spanking because you need to understand your place going forward, as my property and my bride,” he continued. “If you’re a very good girl, I might even allow you to enjoy it.”

What? His bride?

He couldn’t be serious. This had to be a joke. Some cruel deranged joke for some sick reality show. This couldn’t be real.