Page 19 of Bride

“I can still see your wetness drying on your cheek here, my proud girl,” he taunted. Without warning, he moved closer to my face and slapped me with his cock. The weight of it was jarring, the heat of his cock like a branding iron against my flesh. Embarrassed, I tried to pull away but then he did it again on the other side. His hold on the back of my head didn’t allow me to escape him and he gripped it tighter in a show of rough force that left me gasping for air.

His cock only seemed to get harder.

“Do you see how hard you make me, Zoe?” he purred, and I chewed my lip. I didn’t want to answer, but he knew that I knew all the same.

“Yes,” I finally whispered, and he cleared his throat. When I didn’t say what he wanted, he cuffed my cheek with the flat of his palm. It didn’t hurt, but it was more than enough to send a message that made my pussy clench down with need.

“Yes, sir,” I mewled quietly.

“Good girl,” he answered, and a lightning bolt of pleasure raced straight down to my clit. I hadn’t expected that, and I hesitantly glanced up at him just quick enough to see a look of obvious affection pass over his features before I remembered myself and looked back down at his cock.

It was so very hard for me.

He stroked himself more vigorously and I licked my lips. I didn’t have to peer up at him to see if he was watching my reactions. I knew that he was. I could feel his filthy gaze and that made my body heat even further.

I squirmed a little bit on my knees, wondering what he was going to do next. He stroked himself for a time before slapping my face with his cock again. He took his time, probably enjoying the way I was fidgeting. I hoped he didn’t know how wet I was for him, but somewhere deep inside there that a deranged part of me that realized that he probably did.

Eventually though, he started stroking himself with increased vigor, faster and faster until at long last he groaned. I stared at his cock, knowing he was close. I tried to pull back and when he didn’t allow it, it soon became clear what was happening.

He was going to come on my face.

I tried to get up in a panic, but his grip was firm and with my hands bound behind my back, it was far more difficult than I thought it would be. I staggered and he roughly forced me back down as his hand moved up and down his cock, faster and faster until I watched the first spurt of cum propel toward me. At the last second, I closed my eyes, feeling one hot lash of it after the next on my cheek, on my chin and my lips, and on my forehead.

By the time he was finished, his seed coated my face, hot and sticky and wet. I swallowed hard, freezing as it began to dribble down my cheek. A soft, mortified whine surrounded me, and I could do nothing to stop it. My entire focus was narrowed in on his cock and his cum on my face. Nothing else mattered right then. I didn’t know if I should be mortified, if he wanted to debase me, but his smile was warm and indicated that he wasn’t thinking anything like that. Instead, he was staring down at me with open admiration and blatant pride, and I swallowed hard. Did he like this? Did I?

“I’ve imagined this moment for a long time, sweet bride, and it’s even more perfect than I could have ever hoped for,” he said softly, and I pressed my lips together, feeling a heated blush billow over my cheeks. I wavered back and forth on my knees, feeling every drop as it began to cool on my skin. I hummed quietly with shame, kneeling before him with his cum pelted all over my face. I looked up at him again, knowing what I saw the first time and needing to see it again just to believe it.

The look of pride in his eyes nearly did me in.

/> He released my hair and drew it underneath my chin. He lifted my head a bit higher, admiring me as he did so. I swallowed hard, trying to grapple with the reluctant arousal surging inside me and the feelings of want and need and adoration that seemed to be flowing freely from him to me.

I didn’t understand it, but I’d never felt more beautiful in my life than I did for him just then.

My heartbeat began to slow to a normal pace as he tucked himself back inside his slacks. I was vaguely disappointed to see him put his cock away, but as his thumb stroked up and down my cheek, I found myself enjoying that too. I liked it so much that I leaned into it just to feel it a bit more.

“Are you ready to shower for me now or would you like your bridal pictures taken with my cum all over your face?”

I nearly squeaked in surprise and abject shame.

I swallowed hard and opened my lips, only to have a drop of his seed drip into my mouth. I closed it, too curious not to taste him. It was bitter, but not in a bad way. As his seed spread across my tongue, more flavors followed. There was a salty sweetness that came out in the end, and I haphazardly licked my lips in hopes of tasting more of him. I wasn’t disappointed.

He knelt down in front of me, studying me and I blushed hard knowing he’d seen what I’d just done.

“Make your choice, Zoe. Do you want our pictures taken this way?” he pressed. With his thumb, he smeared a little of it across my cheek. It felt so taboo that I bit the inside of my lip to keep from crying out.

“No, sir,” I said, forcing myself to answer. I was ashamed to be wearing his seed, but that wasn’t all of it. No. I was even more embarrassed because I kind of liked it.

“Will you take a shower now?”

“Yes, sir,” I whispered hotly, feeling my pussy spasm as his hand slinked back into my hair. Roughly, he lifted me up that way and I struggled to stand at first until I used what was left of my strength to propel myself up. I almost lost my balance, but he was there to catch me. Once I was standing, he carefully turned me around and freed my hands.

“There’s my good girl,” he whispered, and I bit my lip hard at his praise. He’d called me his. Why did I like that and why had something so simple cause my clit to throb so hard?” I turned my head and I refused to think about it anymore. I wouldn’t. This wasn’t romance.

This was possession.

His hand settled on my lower back and gently pushed me forward. I took one shaky step followed by another, both hating and liking the way each one jostled the cum spattered across my face. He didn’t say anything more about it, leaving me to struggle with my shame in silence. We walked through his apartment, down the hall, and into the master bedroom together and I tried to figure out some way out of this. There wasn’t anything for me to even grasp at. I was trapped with him up here and there didn’t seem to be any way out.

Once we reached the bathroom, I walked inside only to see Grayson waiting by the door. I looked back at him, hopeful that he might leave and let me shower in peace but that didn’t seem to be the case. He shook his head slowly, as if he could read my mind and I turned away, feeling my face heat with shame.