Page 56 of Bride

“You mean you’ll punish me tomorrow?” I asked shakily.

“Yes, kitten,” he answered.

“Promise?” I whispered hoarsely. I don’t know why I said that. I don’t know why I would ask for something like that.

“I promise, kitten,” he answered firmly, and for some insane reason I didn’t recognize, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Knowing that seemed to settle me. After all the danger and uncertainty that I’d experienced today, it felt like something I could trust and depend on.

“Can I sit in your lap instead of the tub, sir?”

“Of course you can, kitten. Stand up. Tell me if it hurts your feet though,” he answered. He offered me a hand as he took the wine back from me.

“My feet are sore, but it’s bearable,” I replied once I was standing before him. His arms wrapped around me, lifting me straight out of the tub and placing me exceedingly gently on the soft fluffy bathroom carpet. Swiftly, he wrapped me up in the biggest plushest towel I’d ever seen, sweeping me off my feet and placing me on the counter at the same time. He passed the glass of wine back to me and I took a long sip.

He dried off my feet next and used some antiseptic on them before he used several small bandages to cover up some of the scratches. He slipped on a pair of cloth socks, mumbling something about needing to ensure I didn’t rub any of the medicine off of my soles. After that, he settled on fixing up my shoulder and I drank a few more mouthfuls of wine before he was done.

He picked me off the counter and carried me into the master bedroom, settling down on the soft loveseat with me on his lap. I finished the glass, feeling the warm tingle of his touch along with a soft buzz from the wine.

I don’t know how long we cuddled together like that, but before I knew it my eyes were closing, and the glass was no longer in my hands.

His arms squeezed tight around me and the last thought in my head was how utterly perfect every part of this was.

I was so glad he found me.

Chapter 12

The next morning, I woke feeling a little sore, but no worse than expected. At some point, Grayson must have carried me to the bed and tucked me in beside him. His steady breathing tickled the tiny hairs along my ear and the warmth of his chest surrounded my back. I blinked away my sleepiness, looking out the window and seeing the beauty of nothing but ocean all around us.

I was entirely naked except for a pair of socks under the covers next to him.

I didn’t move as my eyes looked around the room and I stopped when a familiar purple fabric caught my attention. It was the handbag I’d picked out in port yesterday. My breath caught in my throat. I wondered if everything I’d purchased was still inside it. I chewed my lower lip and my fingers tightened anxiously. I’d picked out a belt for him. I could still feel its softness on my skin.

Soon enough, I would probably feel its bite across my bare bottom.

I closed my eyes as my pussy pulsed.

When I’d picked out that fateful piece of leather, I’d been excited about it, yet with a real punishment looming over my head for the very first time, I felt far more anxious about it than before. How much was it going to hurt?

There was no use fighting it and to be honest, I didn’t want to because deep inside was this looming guilt that refused to quell. I’d heard the pain in his voice yesterday and I knew I was the source of that. I just wanted to know everything was okay and I knew that would come when his hands showed me what that meant.

He stirred behind me, and my heart skipped a beat.

“My beautiful wife,” he murmured, and his lips kissed the cusp of my shoulder. I shivered and he growled, which only made me press myself against him more firmly. I could feel his cock pressing into my bottom cheek, impossibly hard and incredibly big.

“Grayson,” I breathed heatedly.

“How do you feel?” he asked, and I took a moment to take stock of my body.

“Good, I think. A little sore in a few spots. Nothing major,” I answered.

“I’m glad,” he said, and I hummed nervously.

“Are you still going to punish me?” I asked.

“Yes, kitten,” he answered, and my anxious heart only beat faster. His fingers dragged up and down my hip suggestively. “I’m going to call for some breakfast. As I’m doing that, you will use the restroom and freshen up if you like. I’m going to hop in the shower. After we eat a little something, we will deal with the matter of your punishment.”

“Yes, sir,” I breathed. Even though a tiny part of me was afraid, I couldn’t deny the way my pussy was suddenly throbbing with vicious need. As if he could read my mind, he slipped his hand between my legs.