Page 11 of Bride

For several long minutes, I just lay across the desk, sort of in a state of shock and muted fury. I almost couldn’t believe what just happened. Maybe it was a dream. With a soft cry, I finally reached back and touched my backside.

It was still warm.

Grayson Asher had called me to his office to offer to buy my business. I’d refused and he’d decided to spank me and belt my backside. He’d done what he’d wanted just because he’d wanted to, and I wasn’t quite sure what to do.

The worst part of it was that he decided that I was his bride.

It wasn’t possible. There was no way the most eligible bachelor in the country had just decided to make me his wife. Not someone like me. No one ever really wanted a woman like me.

I was always so focused on work that the men who had been inte

rested in me soon grew bored and broke it off in search of someone who had more time to dote upon them. It had happened so many times that I’d given up on finding love in the first place. It had always seemed so selfish to even try when there were so many more important things at stake, one more experiment to complete, one more hypothesis to test. My work was endless.

I swallowed hard and eventually managed to push myself off the desk. My skirt was still gathered above my hips, and I took a moment to grasp my bottom cheeks in my hands, soothing away the ache while also exploring the slightly raised welts the belt had left behind. My clit pulsed almost angrily at his absence.

I should be relieved he hadn’t forced me to orgasm, and I should be grateful he hadn’t taken advantage of me, but instead I just felt angry, frustrated, and increasingly on edge. My pussy pulsed needily, and I hummed with unfulfilled aggravation.

There was no way I was going to put my fingers between my thighs either, not because I wanted to be obedient, but because I didn’t want to be thinking about his cock inside me when I came. I wouldn’t fall prey to a man like him. A rich, cocky, arrogant asshole who thought he could take what he wanted without consequence.

I let go of my bottom and rushed to put my skirt back into place. Maybe this had been some sordid fantasy of his to chastise me for refusing to take his money, but it didn’t really matter anymore. He’d left the room. I was safe now by myself.

It was time for me to leave.

With a deep breath to steady myself, I adjusted my shirt and my skirt, making sure I didn’t look like I’d just been taken advantage of by the CEO of Asher Enterprises. I ran my fingers through my hair, hoping it didn’t look too messed up before I picked up my laptop bag and slung it over my shoulder.

I grasped my coffee and took a sip, trying to ignore just how cold it had gotten in the time since I’d drunk it last. To be honest, right now I wished it was something far stronger.

A shot of tequila would be nice. Really. Fucking. Nice.

I pulled back my shoulders and walked down the hall after him. When I reached the sliding door, I waited for it to open, but it didn’t. Impatient, I knocked on it in hopes the secretary outside would hear it, but after a minute of nothing happening, I growled with frustration. I looked around for a button to push, anything to get it to open. When I didn’t see anything, I tried to manually force it open and that didn’t work either.

Fuck. I hope I wasn’t locked in here.

For another minute, I stared at the door. Maybe it was just slow. Finally, when I was convinced that it wouldn’t just open if I waited long enough, I walked back into the office and started to look around for some other way to get out of here.

The office itself was simple. His massive wooden desk was in the center of the room, occupying a significant piece of the square footage and just as grand as I would expect from a billionaire like him. There wasn’t much on top of it aside from a mug with a few pens inside it. I tried to open and search the drawers, but many of them were locked. The center one opened though, and I found his laptop inside. I pulled it out and sat down at his desk. I opened it and powered it on.

Dammit. Password protected.

That wasn’t going to get me very far. There weren’t even any hints sitting out on the desk that would help me make any sort of educated guess.

I sat back in the chair with a huff and looked around. There was a comfy-looking loveseat along the wall, with a chest next to it. I wandered over to that next and much to my surprise, it opened right up. It was a small liquor cabinet, but it didn’t have anything other than whiskey and scotch in decanters inside it. I groaned in disappointment. I hated both.

Not even a bottle of wine. Typical big shot billionaire man.

Fully striking out on searching his office, I turned to my own laptop bag and pulled out my phone. I was really annoyed now, furious even. I was locked in this office against my will with no way out.

It was time to fuck things up for Grayson Asher. He was going to pay for what he did to me.

I dialed 911.

It rang normally at first, before a soft clicking noise sounded in my ear. I looked at my phone for a second, thinking my call had failed or something, but then it started ringing again. I put it back to my ear and waited until finally a dispatcher picked up on the other end.

“Nine-one-one operator. What is your emergency?” a male said. He sounded kind. Perhaps he was an older man or something, but immediately I felt a sense of relief to hear someone else’s voice.

“I’ve been assaulted, and I’m being kept against my will,” I began.

“What is your name?”