“Why do you keep calling me that?” I questioned, trying to hold onto any tendril of sanity that I could. He cocked his head and smiled, the look in his eyes wild and victorious.

“An ancient prophecy once depicted the victory of a very dark force. I am that evil. I’m a vampire, the one and only evil in this world. You, my dear, are the good. The Warrior of Light. I’ve claimed you as my own, I’ve mastered your body and your mind and now I intend to take your soul.”

“My soul?”

“Yes. You died on that pavement, but that didn’t free your soul from my control. Once I master this integral part of you, the prophecy will be complete, and your soul will once again return to your body. You’ll be transformed into exquisite, immortal perfection, unhindered by the weaknesses that plague humanity. Fate will have won, forcing the two of us together forever. You’ll rule the world by my side, as my equal. You have proven your strength and it’s powerful enough to level with mine.”

“No, that can’t be right,” I pleaded, but deep in my heart, it rang true.

“The first part of the prophecy was fulfi

lled when you begged me to fuck the most forbidden place of your body. The moment you came with my cock deep in your ass, my power had begun to take a hold of you. I mastered your body then. The second part came when you begged me to return to you, when you forced the visions of me to continue despite your one chance at freedom. You willingly chose me to return, allowing me the full power to master your mind. Now, I’m going to claim the very last piece of your soul and you’re going to beg me to take it. Once you do, I’ll be able to claim dominion over the entire world.”

I shook. This couldn’t be real. I must be insane. I must have lost my mind. Maybe this was some sort of crazy torture technique only used in the pits of hell.

His tongue lapped against my clit and I shuddered, feeling the intense return of my desire. He teased me, edging me closer and closer until I felt as though I was climbing the walls. I was so desperately close. Just one more second. Just a little bit more pressure and I’d come once more.

It was then I realized that fire blazed all around us, burning hot and threatening to destroy us whole. Ancient magic roiled around us, intensifying the pleasure churning in my veins and I screamed, senseless with my need.

My eyes rolled back in my head and I couldn’t handle it anymore.

“Please, let me come,” I begged, tears raining down my face. His power was too strong, too intense and despite everything within me, I couldn’t fight it anymore. He ravaged me entirely, destroying me into pieces and now, I was never going to be put together again. He had won and I had lost, utterly and completely.

His mouth left my pussy and he towered over me, his palms to either side of my head. His cock nudged at my entrance and he stared into my eyes as his hips surged forward, spearing me with his cock in a single, harsh motion.

My orgasm devastated me.

Bright, piercing hot pleasure sliced through my body. It was as though I’d approached the sun and its rings of fire had devoured me, vaporizing me into a combustible cacophony of searing pleasure and inescapable doom.

I trembled under him, my hips surging up to meet his and I moaned, the sound animalistic and feral even to my own ears.

He roared and that’s when I saw the monster.

His eyes glowed red, the darkness banished by the fire within him. His canines were long and sharp. He gazed down at me, hungry and ravenous. Slowly, he descended down toward my breasts, all the while fucking me just as roughly as ever.

Another orgasm bared my soul to him completely.

His mouth opened wide and with horror, I watched as he bit me, his lips surrounding my nipple. Harrowing panic surged in my veins, but there was little I could do as pleasure held me in its grasp. He drank deep and before long, he moved onto my other breast, biting there too.

Torturous agony pierced through me, but that didn’t stop him.

When he finally pulled away, I watched as trickles of blood dripped down the pale skin of my breasts. He turned toward me, and I saw him begin to watch the veins in my throat. Gulping with trepidation, I lifted my chin and angled my head away, knowing what was expected from me.

“Come,” he demanded.

And I did.

He bit through the vulnerable skin of my throat and in that moment, the sound of thunder rumbled all around us. The air was thick with ancient magic as we fucked, and he suckled from my neck.

I knew then that he had consumed me.

Body. Mind. And soul.



I had taken my prophesized place beside Markos’ side. I understood now that everything he had done to me had been a part of the demands of fate. He was a vampire, and he was also the devil, but now, he was mine. He had claimed me forever and with that, I’d been granted power equal to his own.