I said, “Blakely.”
“Slip through his fingers. She broke it off with him last night.”
Mike said, “Aw, I hate to hear that, Liam, that’s too bad. She was good for you.”
I said, “So is it done? Can I fix it?”
They all sort of shrugged.
Posy said, “Do you see yourself with her long term?”
“And how does it look to you, what are you doing together?”
“I daena ken, but I think I wake up every morning and we decide what tae do taegether. And sometimes her ideas are good, sometimes her ideas are shite, but she makes me laugh, and I want tae spend every day deciding with her.”
Naisha said, “You ought to tell her that.”
Posy said, “The problem is, the phone, you can’t make decisions together on the phone.”
Naisha said, “Especially not your phone, your phone is a dumb, old phone, that barely keeps you in contact with anyone.”
Posy said, “Exactly. You’re not together, your problem is proximity. You have to sit beside someone to really, properly hear them, because what they’re saying is only seventy-five percent in their words, the rest is in their body.”
I nodded, “You’re right.”
Mike asked, “How’d you get so smart, Posy?”
“You just have to pay attention, everyone knows it.”
I slumped on the bar stool. “I want to talk to her about it.”
Posy said, “Don’t do it by phone, you need to go to LA.”
“You think?”
Naisha said, “It might be your last conversation, you just going to half-ass it? You going to only listen to seventy-five percent of what she’s saying?”
“No, she’s too important.”
Posy said, “You ought to tell her that and it sounds like you should go to Los Angeles to do it.”
“What if she daena want tae see me?”
“Then you will come back and you will be a pain in the ass about it. You will mope all around and we’ll talk about how worried we are because you’re usually so upbeat.” She laughed. “But how will you know if you don’t try?”
I stood up from my stool. “You could run things for a few days, Naisha?”
She rolled her eyes. “Of course I can, but what’s your plan?”
I chuckled. “Well, I need tae talk tae my lawyer about m’line of credit, I need tae get a plane ticket...”
Naisha said, “You told me there’s a big event tomorrow night, you should go to it. You should get all dudded up in a fancy suit and show up!”
I said, “Ye think I ought tae gatecrash a fancy party?”
Posy said, “Don’t think of it that way. Who are you? You’re a famous rugby player from Scotland, and hot! All you have to do is smile and act like you belong there.”
Mike said, “Or be surly, you might be better as the surly rugby player, say something incomprehensible and just head on inside.”
I said, “That comes natural tae me.”