I could picture him, sitting in his beat-up truck in the dark, his hands gripping the steering wheel. “I have to ask, Liam — did you break it off with her because of me? I mean... because I’m in a terrible place right now and—”
“Och, ye hae a fine opinion of yerself. Twas nae because of ye, Woodshee, tis nae about ye at all. Tis because I was lonely when I begged her tae take me back and I had forgotten how much Em daena like me.”
“She doesn’t like you?”
“Nae, she thought she did, but she has hated me for a long time, and now has fallen back intae the habit of it.”
“You deserve someone who thinks you’re great.” I yawned loudly, sleep was finally overtaking me. “Did you say I have ‘a fine opinion of myself?’”
“Och aye, ye are thinking this is all about ye, with yer magical ways, but it inna. Ye are nae the reason for it — I broke it off with Em because of m’own reasons, separate from yer enticements.”
“You think I have enticements?”
“Och aye.”
“That’s nice, because I really feel like a wreck. And I’m glad it wasn’t about me. Because I have to do this right now, I can’t focus on anything but my divorce...”
“I ken.”
There was a long pause before he said, “But I am calling ye, Woodshee, because I couldna stop thinking on ye and wondering if ye were okay and I just wanted tae hear yer voice.”
“I wanted to hear your voice too.” I concentrated on my hand, clutching the wadded up tissue. “How did this happen?”
“I daena ken.”
“Me either, but... I miss you.”
“Ye can call me whenever ye need tae, I daena mind.”
“I don’t mind either.”
“Good, because I might hae tae accidentally call ye again tomorrow night.”
“I don’t think this is the closure you set out for when you dialed my phone.”
“Aye, yer right, feels verra much like the opposite of closure.”
“It does to me too.”