“Fuck my ex. Fuck everything about him, I just don’t even care.”
She worked her mouth a few times, starting and stopping herself, then said, “You just need to get through tomorrow night then you never have to see him again.”
I nodded.
* * *
I stared at my phone for a long time. I wanted to call Liam, this was the longest I had gone without talking to him. We had been checking in, texting, all day, every day for weeks. Now I was truly alone. Why hadn’t he called?
Didn’t he know that this was a mistake? He was usually the first person to point out that I had made a horrible, horrible mistake.
I counted on him.
I had been coerced by Jess, my judgment clouded by stress, there were too many things going on at once. It was too much, I was too much. My drama. Too. Much. I was pushing him away for his own good, because I was mature. Because I was going to protect him from being strung along by a terrible person in Los Angeles. I was being an adult. Being wise.
I burst into tears and ugly cried for a long long time.