A peak experience
I left the highway and slowed down for the main road through town and Blakely jostled awake, smacked her lips, and looked around dazedly.
“I am so sorry I fell asleep.”
“Tis alright, nae worries on it. I sang tae keep m’self company.”
She stretched, her small shirt slidin’ up and givin’ a glimpse of skin around her waist. I focused on the road.
“Are you taking me to my cabin?”
“Aye, I need tae meet a delivery at the pub. Naisha had car troubles. She winna be there tonight.”
Her hair stuck up on one side and there was a crease from the seatbelt on her cheek.
“I imagine car troubles would suck out here in the boondocks.” Her eyes followed the trees slidin’ by the windows. She shook her head. “Man, I need to wake up, I have so much to do, so much to deal with. I need to get back to LA.”
“What do you need tae do first ye think?”
She ran her hands through her hair. “I don’t know, lawyer up, I suppose? I have to deal with the fact that she was underage, did I tell you that already?”
“Nae, ye dinna...he is a tremendous gobshite wanker.”
“Yeah, then our business needs to be dealt with, our marriage, our house... what am I going to do about our house?”
“Och, twill be a lot tae sort. Will he be fightin’ ye on it?”
“I honestly don’t know.”
She quietly stared intae space, then we passed the Trailhead Motel and I slowed down tae make the turn down Mountain View Lane. Something caught her eye and she turned craning to look at it. “What was that, a real estate sign?”
“Aye, the Och Nae pub and Trailhead motel are on the market. Twill be good tae get the albatross from around m’neck.” I glanced at her. “Did ye see what I did there?”
“Yeah, I see what you did there, yet another sign.”
“A sign that I am a disgruntled man who needs tae return tae Scotland.”
She turned back around in her seat. “I didn’t realize you were going to sell, not so soon.”
“’Soon’ might be an overstatement. I hae been warned t’will take time tae sell a failin’ business with the promise of a shite return on investment. I will never understand how come m’dear old dad bought it, he was such an arse.”
I pulled up in the driveway of her cabin, parked, and came around and opened the truck door.
She climbed down from the seat. “You’re going to the pub?”
“Aye, will ye come for a drink?”
“Just let me get cleaned up first. Is there food?”
“I canna believe ye’re still hungry.”
“I’m famished.”
“We can order out.”
“Sounds good.” She chewed her lip. “Thank you Liam, from the day I got off the plane to now, I couldn’t have done it without you.”