“So, her Da’s a big deal,” Lacey shrugs. “So what?”

“So,” Jace’s eyes widen in awe. “His daughter back there didn’t limit herself to supporting from the sidelines, you know. She’s his chief mechanic. She’s led more racing teams to the podium than the Undertaker’s won Wrestlemanias.”

Okay, that was a reference I got.

And on its heels comes the realization that Ms. City, with all her waves of silky hair and fancy shoes isn’t exactly the socialite I’d pinned her as.

Not once had her attitude let me think of her as a complete airhead; she’s obviously intelligent and capable. I guess I’d pinned her as a marketing director. A fashion designer, perhaps. The owner of her own online shoe emporium.

Chief mechanic to a multi-million dollar racing team hadn’t exactly been top of my list.

Jace’s fanboy intensity swings from Lacey to me.

“Just what the hell is she doing in East River, Walker? She’s like,” he raises a hand above his head like he’s measuring her league, “you wish on a magic lamp or something?”

I snort.

If I’d somehow come across a genie on my extensive travels between home and the hardware store, I’d have wished for something significantly more useful than sleepless nights. Like money to support Ma’s move to Kenwood Homes. Better yet, a fantastical cure for Alzheimer’s so the entire relocation isn’t necessary at all.

If instead I’d gotten Lizzie Lucas I’d have had a few words for that damn genie.


I feel my shirtsleeve being tugged, which draws me back to the woman holding onto it.

Damn, the faucet. Right.

“Look, I gotta go,” I say, plucking Lacey’s fingers from my sleeve. “Lacey, I’ll have the faucet done in time for your shift, don’t worry.”

“That’s not wha—”

“I know, I’m sorry it’s gonna be late but I’ll have it sorted. Jace, I’ll be back at six to pick up Lizzie.”

“You will? Where’s she staying? I can always drop her o—”

“I’ll be back at six.”

And before either of them can do more than shut their traps, I’m revving the engine and getting the hell out of there.

Before any more discoveries can knock me on my ass.