Page 116 of Mountain Man's Claim

“How devoted of him.”

Caleb’s says this so softly I choose to ignore it.

Once a few minutes of awkward quiet have passed, I try for a different olive branch. I keep both hands raised and take a step toward him down the hall.

“I know that David being here puts a wrench in the works for stuff like the house. And I know no one likes to get blindsided by changed plans. But I would really like it if we could just chalk today up as a high-tension mess and start fresh tomorrow?”

Preferably exactly how we were forty-eight hours ago when I wasn’t aware of just how much I’m in love with you, you stubborn oaf!

When Caleb keeps quiet, I try again.

“I can tell we’re both on edge and that can’t be comfortable for either of us. And yet, just a few weeks ago, Jace was saying how relaxed you seemed. He even mentioned you looked more like your brother! I’d really like to try and get back to—”

“My brother?!” Caleb cries, staring at me with more hurt than I’m prepared for.

Suddenly, I can only stare at him dumbfounded. By the look on Caleb’s face, I’ve not just crossed a line with that little comment, but I’ve given the line a giant ‘fuck you’ while I danced across it. Caleb’s skin turns a darker shade of rage and it’s like hurt is just a beacon of light, shining from his eyes. All I appear able to do now is brace myself for impact.

You know that landmine you were worried about stepping on?

Congratulations. You found it.