Page 32 of Coached In Love


Ipull down by the fishing docks, where I spent my summers working, and turn off my truck. It’s a little late, and no one is around. All the boats are docked for the night, and in a town like Coree Harbor, there isn’t the need for a twenty-four-hour security guard.

“We skipped vigilante justice to come down to the docks?” Sailor teases before unbuckling her seatbelt and scooting closer to me.

I unbuckle my seatbelt and lean the seat back a bit, placing my arm around her shoulder.

“I would slip in the bathroom and use everything at my disposal to get the fish smell off of me before I’d come to see you with the catch of the day. It always seemed like no matter how many times I washed my hands, the smell wouldn’t go away, and I just knew you were going to be repulsed by me. I was always a bundle of nerves because I knew I was doing something wrong, but every part of it felt right.”

“I could see you coming, and my heart would pound in my chest. Sometimes it would pound so hard, it hurt. The first few days you came, I thought there was no way you were flirting with me. That it wasn’t possible.”

“That whole summer, I kept pushing away this nagging feeling that I was doing something wrong. Ignoring it. Promising myself I would deal with Jolene later because I didn’t want to ruin the perfection we’d created. I should’ve handled things differently.”

“Why are we here, Logan? Why are you bringing up the past?”

“I don’t want to make the same mistakes again. I promised you things before, and I didn’t make good on those promises.”

She shakes her head. “We were kids.”

“We were in love then, and I’m in love with you now, Sailor. I’ve spent all these years convincing myself that leaving you was the right thing to do. That marrying Jolene was the right thing to do. One thing I know for sure, is that being with you now, not holding back, is the right fucking thing to do. I love you.”

Sailor gazes up at me, tears twinkling in her eyes, and I press my lips to hers. With only a slight awkwardness, she straddles my lap, cupping my face in her hands.

“I’ve always loved you,” I say.

Maybe it’s the fear of getting caught that adds to the moment. Maybe it’s because I just confessed my love to her. It doesn’t matter. We’re in a frenzy to get my pants undone, and her skirt gathered at her hips. I pull her panties to the side and sink inside her in one deep thrust.

“Oh, God!” Sailor cries out, pressing her hand to the window as she rocks on top of me.

My fingertips dig into her hips as we fuck, my hips pistoning upward as she rides me. Our moans and labored breathing the only sounds in my rocking truck. Sailor whimpers, and I know she’s close. I am right there with her as we both come, my lips on her neck, her hands in my hair.

“I love you,” I whisper, even though she hasn’t said it back.

I kiss her nose, and she kisses my forehead, both of us still trying to catch our breath. Neither of us wants to move. But a loud tap on my window has her scrambling to her seat.

“Police! You kids open up!”

Sailor giggles. “This is not happening!”

“Just, um, fix your clothes,” I say while I button my jeans and roll the window down. “Yes, Officer?”

The officer looks quite stunned to see two adults in the truck and not a couple of teenagers. He glances over at Sailor and arches an eyebrow.

“Hey, Officer Vincent,” she says. “You going to take us in?”

“And explain this to the chief? Get home, and do not let me catch the two of you here again. At least, not doing this.”

“Yes, sir. My apologies.”

Officer Vincent gives me a nod and saunters off, clearly shaking his head as he goes back to his patrol car. Sailor falls into a fit of laughter before I can even get my window rolled up.