Page 11 of Coached In Love


Logan opens his door, and I know I’ve made a huge mistake coming here. We’re not on neutral ground. Not in public. We’re at his house, again, we are not in public, and as I step inside, I’m instantly aware of how close he is. That he’s freshly showered, and his hair is damp, and how he didn’t completely dry off, so his T-shirt clings to his chest.

“Thanks for coming,” he says as I venture inside.

I hear the door click shut behind me, and I cross my arms over my chest in a protective stance. Logan walks past me and into the kitchen, grabbing two glasses out of the cabinet. Without asking if I’m thirsty, he fills them with whiskey. Guess he knows I can use a drink.

“Thanks for putting Liam on the team.”

He grins and offers me a glass. “Like I said, he has heart.”

I frown a little, not accepting it. “Did you do it for me? Because you thought it would make me forgive you?”

He shrugs. “I knew it wouldn’t hurt.”

“Jesus, Logan,” I say with a groan. “This was a mistake. I knew it was a fucking mistake the moment I got here.”

I walk toward the door, hell-bent on getting out of here before I do something else that I regret. Coming here was enough.

“Jolene was pregnant,” Logan blurts out. “I went to break up with her, and she told me she was pregnant.”

I don’t turn around to face him. His words have stunned me into stopping. I knew Campbell was a teenager. He’s on the varsity team, after all. But I thought he and Jolene got pregnant after he left for college. Once he was gone, I didn’t really do the math. I just tried to mend my broken heart by reinventing myself and forgetting about what we had.

“I loved you, Sailor,” he says quietly, and I can feel him right behind me. “I have never forgotten that.”

“You should’ve told me about Jolene.”

He does this thing where he starts to touch my shoulder, grip my arms, but he lowers his hands without making contact. I’m unsure if I’m relieved or disappointed.

“I was seventeen years old,” he replies. “You weren’t even sixteen yet. Was I supposed to ask you to be a stepmother to my unborn child?”

I turn to face him, ready to yell at him for not giving me that opportunity, when he crashes his mouth to mine. His strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me to him, my boobs smashing against his chest.

I have this moment of weakness, a lapse in judgment, and I enclose my arms around his neck, eagerly returning his kiss. He’s no longer a boy kissing a young girl. He’s a full-grown man, and the evidence of that is pressing into my stomach.

Maybe that’s the reason I put the brakes on things. The reason I put my hands to his rock-solid chest and push him away.

I have the same effect on him that he does on me, and my motto of not doing repeats will go out the window the second Logan Decker slips inside me. That is not going to happen. He’s not going to come back to Coree Harbor and turn me into that same timid girl I once was. I am not her anymore.

And I won’t be falling for him again. I’ve seen what falling in love does. My sister fell in love with a great guy, had the perfect marriage, and was blessed with two incredible boys. Then, she was gone, and that great guy who loved her more than anything was devastated. Those two incredible boys lost their mother. Yeah, love isn’t for me.

“We can’t,” I say firmly. “I can’t.”


“Thanks for putting Liam on the team. I appreciate that. I really do. But this thing between us, it ended a long time ago, and I’m not dredging up the past.”

I was nervous walking in here. Knew I was making a mistake. As I walk out and shut the door, I remind myself I should always trust my gut.