Chapter Six
The rest of the day was basically normal.
We ate.
We joked.
We reminisced.
Everything was like pre-sex Savannah and Ryan.
We were “just” Savannah and Ryan. Ryan and Savannah. Best friends who knew everything about one another.
Conversation was easy. There weren’t any of those pretenses that seemed to fill the air in the recent years.
Maybe Savannah had been right—she just needed the clean and clear that Colorado brought her because the Savannah at the creek had been a far cry from the one who’d been surprised earlier by my being at her safe place.
But then we got back from dinner.
And then she showered.
...And all bets were off.
How in the hell was I going to sleep in a bed next to her, after she’d showered and smelled like that body wash she’d been using for years? The one that smelled like the beach?
Even her shampoo was coconut scented.
And her lotion.
Shit, I was so screwed.
I ignored my libido when she came out of the bathroom and she passed the shower off to me.
“Should be hot water left. I wasn’t in there that long.”
I knew this water heater, and I knew just how long she’d been in the shower.
There wouldn’t be any hot water left, but I wasn’t complaining. I needed a hot shower like I needed a slap in the face.
A cold shower could hopefully cure what currently ailed me—a reminder of my need for Savannah.
Earlier, out at the creek before Savannah joined me, I’d been thinking about that summer we’d found the little thinking spot.
I remembered talking about the guy Savannah had recently dumped.
And yes, she dumped him, and I remember being so damn proud of her because he’d been a tool. She wasn’t happy with him, and he was an ass to anyone he wasn’t friends with. I’d been afraid she’d stick it out with him because they’d only been dating for a couple of weeks.
He’d asked her out after she never showed up to prom.
I never understood why she told him yes, but she did.
So when she dumped him after seeing the error in her ways, I hugged her and told her she was too good for him.
I could remember her going silent then, and I know I didn’t think anything of it then, and maybe it was me projecting now, but I thought maybe...
It had something to do with me?