Page 53 of Lost Without You

Being able to say them out loud, and knowing that the feeling was returned.

Savannah shifted on my lap so she could face me just slightly, as she whispered back, “I love you, Ryan.”

Sitting like that, we scrolled through other comments; some I shook my head at, some I literally gagged at.

My mom was clearly my mother, America.

“Oh, I can’t wait to tell her the next time I see her,” Savannah chuckled, sliding off my lap so I could go back to my spot by my phone. It was only a matter of time before I’d be needed again.

Dryly, I answered back, “I’m sure she’ll think it’s hysterical too.”

Savannah stayed standing though, when I sat.

“I’m going to go read while you finish up here. Is that okay?”


“It’s like...ten more minutes, Ryan.”

Sighing, I nodded. “Fine. Back to that friends to lovers book?” I asked, wiggling my brows.

Instead of answering, Savannah just laughed and turned away, heading toward the bed. I was seriously regretting my decision to move slow...

But at the same time, not really.

I thought this was good for us.

Unfortunately, my smile was wide on my face when my screen joined Tony’s and Bella’s only seconds later.

Tony did his final introductions, and gave Bella the floor to say her piece to me. Nearly too late, I realized my mic was still muted, and I quickly pressed the icon to unmute.

And Bella had a lot to say.

I wasn’t sure that I wanted to get something in, because I had already said my piece—on the show, to her, to Tony, to the finale... I had nothing else to add.

And Tony, clearly planning for it, didn’t even give me an opportunity to correct anything Bella said.

“And that’s it, folks. Thank you for watching this season of The Rose.” He further ended it by sharing social media stats—my Instagram handle, too; I needed to figure out what to do with that account—and just as suddenly, the show was complete.

“Thank you, everyone,” Tony now addressed a Zoom-conference-like screen, with all twelve men and Bella. “We’ll be in touch shortly with the male that will lead the next show. Rumor has it, it’s one of you twelve.”

“Well, we all know it’s not me,” I joked, itching to turn the camera off. “It’s that’s all, I have to figure some travel arrangements out.”

As the other guys and Bella started talking at once, I bid my final goodbye and turned the damn thing off.

I was done.

Officially finished with that chapter of my life.

Now—standing up and heading toward Savannah—it was time for the next one.