“Grace is staying for dinner...”
I groaned at my sister’s sing-song tone. “Sydney…” I knew I needed to mend the wrongs I made with Grace, but I wasn’t entirely sure how. I needed a little bit of time to figure that out.
“I don’t understand why you two don’t give it a shot! You are so freaking cute together, Soy!”
“We live in—”
“Two different states. Yeah. I heard you,” Sydney interrupted. “But that’s minor!”
Grinning, I shook my head, looking out the passenger window as she pulled into the subdivision she and Cael lived in. The lots were huge so it didn’t truly feel like a subdivision, not like the one we grew up in, but this large area of land with multiple houses on it had a name and was therefore considered a subdivision.
“Addresses can change,” she finally said after a moment of silence. That was my sister, always getting the last word in when it came to us siblings. She pulled into the drive of her house and I waited for her to pull into the garage to unbuckle my belt, forcing my attention away from the Mazda-3 that sat on the road. Caleb’s truck was in the garage and after it gave me a momentary pause, I realized he probably car-pooled with his brother or someone else on the team to the arena prior to their away trip.
I knew Grace was going to be here. I knew she was watching the kids and Sydney hadn’t exactly been quiet about the fact Grace was around. Why seeing her car at the house had me all sorts of nervous, I didn’t have a fucking clue.
Not giving my sister an answer, or not an answer she’d be happy with, I got out of the SUV to retrieve my bags. Being away from home would be good for my conscious. Being in the presence of my own blonde-haired angel? I couldn’t decide if that was going to be a blessing or a curse.