Page 36 of The Jane Thing



PullingSkye down to sit by me again feels wrong. She’s watching me expectantly. I don’t want her to go to bed, but I know if she doesn’t leave this room in the next five seconds, I’m going to kiss her again. And it’s not going to be enough.

She quirks an eyebrow at me when I hold her stare but say nothing. Finally, she pulls her hand from mine and takes a step backward.

“Careful.” I reach for her hand but miss. I don’t want her to bump into the apothecary table and hurt herself. Her eyes go wide, maybe with surprise? I don’t know, but I’m afraid she’s going to keep moving, so I stand and take her hand again. But I nod at the table, deciding to make light of the situation.

Just until I can read her better.

The chocolate covered strawberries were an epic fail. I’m not sure if they made her angry or sad or what, but she could barely choke one down. She looked disappointed when I threw my apology out, but she blew it off so quickly, I didn’t know what to think. Still don’t.

I just know that I don’t want her to go to bed.

Well. I do. But I want her inmybed.

“Gideon.” She closes her eyes and shakes her head.

“You gotta be careful with that table,” I say, hoping for a laugh. “It might have been used by magicians in the Middle Ages.”

Eyes still closed, she smiles and tips her head down.

“Now you believe in magic?” When she looks at me again, she’s smiling.

She eyes me suspiciously when I cup her chin in my hand. Her shoulders are tense, and her silent stare is belligerent, bold. The attitude melts away when I press her lips with my thumb.

“I do.” I lower my gaze to her lips.

A snarky laugh bubbles up and slips from her lips. She wags her brows at me, but she giggles again.

“Do you want some wine to go with that cheese?”

She says it almost apologetically, even with the soft laughter, so it doesn’t sting so much. With an impatient groan, I laugh and shake my head.

“I want to kiss you again, but I’m not sure how you—”

Skye cuts me off with a kiss. One minute I’m struggling to tell her what I want, feeling like a kid hoping for his first kiss, and the next, her fingertips brush my cheeks, and her warm lips are on mine. Her kiss is soft and easy. No rush, but the way she steps closer and presses herself to me is hopeful and a little sexy.

“I thought you had regrets.” She tips her head back to meet my gaze.

“Why would I have regrets for kissing you?”

“The apology gift.” She shrugs.

I drop my head back and groan again. “Someone suggested it.”

Skye stares at my mouth while she thinks. “You discussed kissing me with someone?”

“No. Apparently, I’m transparent, and she suggested chocolate covered strawberries.”

“She? A girlfriend?”


