Page 99 of Paper Coffins

The feel of calloused fingers on my ribcage has me flinching, but I can’t get free. He clearly notices this, and he withdraws his hand from groping my breasts to pushing its way between my legs.

This is how true monsters are made—at the hands of greedy men. No one ever wonders what happens to create true evil, but I can tell you now, it’s not at their own hands. We don’t choose to be the way we are. It’s forced upon us with such velocity we never catch our breaths in the wake of it.

And I’m not about to let Alistair push another shard of darkness into me.

“No!” I buck against his weight, fighting him off.

It’s as if every part of me has entered flight or fight, and I’m not about to give in.

My sudden fight shocks him enough to enable me freedom, and I take it.

My nails catch his face, dragging through his aged skin like paper. I won’t allow him this right. I always vowed to never let a man have any form of power over me. Beckett already made me break that personal vow. Alistair doesn’t get the same privilege.

They are not about to be like father, like son with me.

“You little bitch,” he sneers, the back of his hand connecting with my cheek. “Most people change. You’ve not even tried.”

His anger grows, expanding like it’s inhaling enough air to knock me off my feet so it can rip absolutely everything away from me.

Using one of his legs, he pushes mine apart, pressing his knee close to my crotch, then grabs my hands, pinning them above my head. He’s got me where he wants me, and I’m powerless to stop him. Even when he lets them go to press a hand around my throat while the other rips open my blouse. He’s full of rage, and there’s no mercy in a man like Alistair once the adrenaline starts.

I know that to be true as air becomes thin, dark spots start to block out the sight of Alistair leering over me, and I struggle to keep conscious, to not lose this moment, to not let him win.

It doesn’t matter how deep I press my nails into the skin on the back of his hands, he only grips my throat harder. When my hands fail to find purchase and succeed at freeing me, I try to grab his face, but it just causes him to laugh at my panic.

My vision starts to swim, but in the snapshot glimpses I get, all I can see is Alistair grinning viciously at me. The smirk only seems to intensify as my vision greys around the edges and his hands start to greedily pull at the hem of my skirt, pushing it up towards my waist.

“If he won’t cut you off, I’ll make this hell for you.”

He seals that notion with a kiss as his fingers find their way under my knickers and my vision dims enough to black.