“What do you mean?” I quiz, disdain hitting my voice instantly, and then I groan. “What did you and your father do this time?”
“Nothing, really. Just smoothed some cracks.” Cassie’s eyes look murderously in Natalia’s direction. “Ones that weren’t there before today.”
“What have I told you about this, Cassie?”
“I know what you’ve said, but I thought it was the least I could do. Our fathers promised our hands to each other, after all. It’s only a matter of time.”
Here we go again.
I move away, placing the bed between me and Natalia while forcing a gap between me and Cassie. Natalia bristles, only to busy herself with the mundane task of clearing up.
“What did you do, Cassie?” I cross my arms over my chest, trying to temper my agitation. “A few days ago, you were wishing my dick would fall off.”
“Well, you know. I’ve seen sense since then.”
Throwing her clothes down, Natalia sighs with boredom. “I’m going to see myself out of this.”
“Whoa. Where do you think you’re going?” I ask, closing the gap between us. “We’re not done.”
“Oh, trust me, we are.”
“Does seem right that only members of The Company discuss business matters.”
“Shut up, Cassie,” Sebastian grunts from his stance against the doorframe. “Technically, you shouldn’t be here because you’re not even a member.”
“By default, I am.”
Natalia guffaws and shakes her head in dismay.
“What’s up, Talia?” I ask, catching her attention again.
“You think I’ll destroy it all?” Natalia questions, stopping a few inches from me, her body still poised to leave. “You’d be sorely mistaken. I’d be the easier choice over the Clarks.”
“Is that so?”
“We both know what you’re capable of.”
That’s true, or at least, it was.
“At least you know I’m trying to steal this all out from under you. She’s always been bad news. Don’t let your hate of me cloud that sharp mind of yours, Beckett.”
Natalia leaves, and suddenly, the room seems emptier than ever.
Taking her chance, Cassie moves to me. “Is there a particular reason she’s back?”
“Other than to piss you off?”
Cassie flares her nostrils, pouting, before saying, “She’s always been a thorn in my side. I don’t know why I thought she’d grow up.”
“Why did you even say we’re promised to one another?”
“Because we are.”
I shake my head. “No, we aren’t.” I lean in, my demeanour casting a larger shadow over Cassie than I ever could. “Nothing in my life is promised to anyone unless I say it is. My father, your father, and you aren’t about to change my mind on the matter.”
“Beckett, babe…”
“You will never win in this, Cassie. Stop being the pathetic little whore you are and stop coming back. You’re asking for this every single time.”