Sweeping his arms around my waist, he hauls me onto his lap. His arms snake around my torso and he draws me closer, crushing me against his chest. My back arches as the sensation between my thighs intensifies and my heart thrums in my chest.
His hands move under my shirt and the feel of his big, warm palms on my skin is intoxicating.
A guttural moan rumbles up from his chest and my hips rock of their own accord. I feel him hiss in a breath and bite his lip. Heat flares between my thighs, the dampness soaking my panties. I pull away from his lips and bury my face in the crook of his neck.
I rock back and forth on his lap, holding on to him for balance.
My body yearns for this, for him, for release. Maybe it was the stress of being away from the pack, the near-death experiences we all had, or the fact we might not survive the night had me giving into my lust.
Whatever it is making me crave this man, I don’t care. I only want to feel something good and wipe away all the pain of last night.
His palms on my back, slide upward to cup my breasts, making me whimper.
My wolf is silent as though she’s sulking, but for once I don’t care. I need this like I needed the food and water this morning. Craving his touch, his kiss, someone to make me feel good and forget the horrors of yesterday.
He buries his face in my neck and breathes deeply. His hand trails down my side to rest on my hip as his other hand cups my breast. I suck in a breath. His lips close around the sensitive skin of my neck and I rock back and forth on his erection.
His hand slides up my sides toward my breast and my nipples pebble in anticipation.
His thumb rakes over my nipple through the fabric of my bra, sending a jolt of raw pleasure straight to my core. My body threatens to go limp as my knees weaken.
“I want to taste you,” he murmurs and tugs on my earlobe with his teeth, before gently biting my neck. My body bows backward, my sex rubbing against his lap and a low moan escapes me.
"You are so responsive to me.” He nuzzles the spot just a bit, inhaling deeply.
Aspen. A voice, a link, a string of emotions.
My wolf growls that this isn’t Michael who rejected both of us.
I try to push away her instance of this being wrong. How can it be when it feels so right to my body and how he’s making me feel?
Aspen is driving me crazy and I want him to make the ache inside me go away. I want him to touch me, kiss me, hell, even lick me. I’ve never wanted it this bad before.
Yet her constant drive inside me is like a cold blanket over my hot skin. I pull back and push against his chest. He looks wary but lets me go, his hands fall away from my body.
"I don’t know what’s happening.” I lean my forehead against his, panting to catch my breath. “I can’t control my wolf or what I’m doing." And did I even want to?
I groan as his fingers move over my stomach, making me want him to touch me everywhere. I want to feel his strength and be consumed by him. I want to feel his warm hands on my bare skin and his mouth on mine again.
He drags me out of his lap and I open my eyes. Blinking, I stare at him, wondering what I did wrong. “What?”
He shakes his head, his eyes blazing a pale gold and he growls and stares at me in a way that has me pressing my thighs together to keep my pussy from throbbing. “I need you, Juniper. Not here. Not now.”
“You don't want me right now?” First Michael rejects me and now it sounds like Aspen is too. Hard enough I have to fight my wolf's pining over Michael. Don't need to add more to my growing list of wolves who've jilted me.
“Not with your wolf snarling like she’s going to bite my head off.” He grunts and rakes a hand through his auburn hair. "Let's help Raven and Dex hunt down anything we can salvage from this place."
Silly wolf. I send my irritation through the link we share. Sex is just sex. Wasn’t like I was going to bond with Aspen. I’ve been with a few wolves and even a human to coax her out to no avail and she’s never even budged. Now she seems ready to throw me aside and take over to get to Michael. How she won't listen to reason or that I don't want to go back to Michael. Not after what he did. Not after I'd come to realize that he could have done anything else but side against me. He didn't even argue or try to help me.
"We don't need him," I say under my breath.
And of course, now she’s silent again and I’m alone in the kitchen.
The back door I nearly left through last night beckons me, but I push the thought aside. I need these three wolves to help me get to my mom. If I thought I could find her in this wilderness without any help, last night proved to me that I couldn’t.
I was a half-witch with no magic and a shifter with no physical wolf. The lost ones and whatever else hunted outside the barrier would pick me off easily.
A shudder rolls through me. As much as I want to leave right now and find my mom, I trust that the guys are right about staying put for the moment. They’ve gotten me this far.