I can’t hold back the cry of pain as my body expands, stretching me to the breaking point. My limbs twist and then fuse back together like some kind of weird puzzle. Like my body can't figure out the right order and I morph back to my human self like I'm made of rubber. This can't be happening.
I feel like I’m going to fall apart, and I’m scared shitless.
Raven stares open mouth at me with an expression I can’t even name that feels like a slap.
I stumble to my feet.
"She's a fucking monster." His words are high-pitched, terrified.
“I’m not a monster.” The sound of my voice is deep, guttural, and threatening. It rolls over my skin like rumbling thunder. I’m not sure where it’s coming from because it doesn’t sound like me. “I’m not a monster.”
I throw back my head and howl.
Casey’s pack stares at me in disbelief and horror. Kinda preferred it when their faces held disdain rather than this.
“I’m not a monster,” I repeat through the rising howl. This is all Casey's fault. If he hadn't come after me, beaten me, none of this would have happened.
The snarl explodes from my chest.
I lunge for Casey.
Another wolf leaps for me.
I grip him by the neck and throw him to the side.
A sharp jolt of pain travels up my arm. A wolf bites my forearm. I shake it off and it hits a tree with a whimper.
I feel bigger, powerful. My fingernails have turned into sharp claws and my skin is still blue with ridges. I don’t know what the hell is happening to me, but I’ll deal with it later after I’ve taught Casey and his mongrels.
Seeing the way they cower is addictive.
I’m not going to kill them, but they’re going to pay a steep price for daring to hurt Raven.
They run, but I follow.
A wolf tries to stop me, but it’s too late. I pounce and bite his neck. He yelps. Ignoring the pain in my arm and leg, I chase after the other wolves. They take off through the forest, but I’m faster than prey.
They’re fast, but I can smell their fear.
My jaws snap at Casey’s back. He whirls around and leaps at me. I swat him aside, then lunge for his throat.
Whimpering sounds.
I look down. A small, grey wolf lies crumpled on the ground. I stare at the wolf for a second, then turn my head and snarl at Casey.
My claws extend and I prepare myself to lunge after him. All of this is his fault. He’s the one that bullied me first and everyone else jumped on his bandwagon. None of them gave me a chance. Now my wolf or whatever this is has allowed me to partially transform and I’m taking my revenge.
“Juniper, wait,” Raven yells behind me.
I don’t wait and launch myself at my enemy.
Casey yowls in fear.
I stalk toward him and he runs.
“My pack,” he yelps. “Kill her.”
The other wolves run, but I don’t let up my pursuit. Casey is easy to track with his fear-tainted scent. It smells like sour lemons and old socks.