Page 54 of Wolf Heart

For what feels like forever, the hunters move out of sight and sound.

"They're gone," Aspen whispers after a long moment.

Dex tugs me to my feet and we slip through the forest, but my legs are shaking from the hours of walking we've done and that now we have to be wary of hunters out here. No wonder my pack thought this was a fitting punishment for me. They probably didn't think I'd last the first night.

"Faster, Juniper," Raven glances back at me and Dex. "If they catch up to us, they'll kill us."

"They'll be too drunk to see us," Aspen says as though trying to lighten the mood.

"More than enough time to aim and fire before they realize they're shooting at humans," Dex says. "Not that they care."

"I know," Raven growls. "Their instincts will tell them we aren't like them and they'll shoot first and ask questions later."

"We need to run if they spot us," Dex says and my heart beats even faster.

Raven looks at me. "Think you could coax your wolf out if it came to that?"

I shake my head because my wolf wouldn't let me shift even to save my life. She's already proven that many times in the last couple of days even.

"There's no choice," Raven's shoulders tense. "If we go on, they could spot us. We can't risk it. We go around the long way."

I grip Dex's hand, tight and unrelenting.

After miles of walking through the night, I find myself leaning into Dex's side. His arm wraps around my back and he's half carrying me.

"Here, I'll hold you—"

"No." I don't want to be a burden. If they can travel all night than so can I.

I stifle a yawn, my steps growing sluggish but Dex honors my request of not carrying me like I'm some helpless baby. Though it feels like this night will never end.

"How much further?" I can't stop myself from asking.

"We have to get to the lake then we can head north again." Raven shakes his head like I'm silly for asking.

"Are you sure?" I ask, leaning deeper into Dex's side and this time, my yawn comes full force. "What if this is a witch's trap or something? And we'll walk until we die."

Raven glowers at me, but Aspen laughs. "Hang in there, Juniper. We've just a few more hours to reach the lake."

I debate picking up a stone and hurling it at Raven's head. I'm sweaty, tired, and exhausted. If the pack showed up with a shower and a bed, I'd sell my soul to them.

My head leans against Dex's chest and I let my eyes close for just a moment.

I nearly sigh in relief at the sun lighting the horizon. But I can hardly keep my eyes open and Aspen jogs up to me and Dex.

"I'll carry her the rest of the way."

Dex nods and I gasp as I'm hoisted from Dex's arms into Aspen's.

"Wait," I say, trying to pry my eyes open again. "How long have I been asleep?"

"Don't worry about it." Aspen chuckles. "But you've been drooling on Dex's shirt for about three hours."

I suck in a breath and my eyes fly open. "I don't drool."

"Tell yourself whatever you want to make yourself feel better."

Ignoring his jest, I look around. The forest is sparser than it was back at the platform. "Where are we now?"