“Yeah,” I agreed, helping myself to some. “It’s from this great little farmer’s market stall in Boston.”
“You’ll have to introduce me,” she replied.
“There’s something else—” I hesitated. This entire day I’d felt like I was interfering in Petra’s family affairs. I wanted to make things easier on her by helping her reconnect with Patrick, but to do so meant I had to meddle. “I talked to your mom.”
“Really?” She didn’t seem upset and took another bite of bread.
“I told her about our arrangement.”
“What?” Petra gasped.
“She’s fine with it,” I hurried on.
“Cory,” Petra complained.
“I had to,” I defended my decision. “Patrick is making a nuisance of himself. I thought your mom could help.”
“What did she say?”
I grinned, remembering Bernie’s face when she’d exclaimed, “Hot dog! Three men.”
Petra laughed. “That sounds like Mom, all right. Is she going to help?”
“She said she would.”
“Thank you,” Petra said with an honest smile. “I really appreciate you taking the initiative.”
My heart settled back into its normal rhythm now that the anxiety had passed. Petra wasn’t angry; her mom wasn’t angry. Everyone was on the same page about Patrick, and we had a better chance of addressing the problem as a united front.
We settled into an easy conversation about what Petra was going to do with her time off. Having a snack in my kitchen wasn’t exactly what I longed to do, but it was enough for the time being. Eventually I would get my chance to make love to our wonderful girlfriend. It was only a matter of time.