“I’ll get it,” Damien offered, barring the door.

“Will you get my laptop too?” Sam asked.

“Sure thing.” Damien disappeared out into the office and returned a few moments later with three laptops.

I looked at him expectantly, and he shook his head. Way to go, Kent. Whatever he was doing with Meara was ongoing. I wasn’t exactly jealous, just looking forward to my turn. Damien had probably already gone there weeks ago, and now Kent was getting a taste. I hoped my friends would come up with a better excuse than property values and weird zoo chatter to keep the employees occupied when I was up at bat.

After Damien let us go, I went back to my office. Eager to display my knowledge of the situation, I had a hard time focusing. It seemed like Meara’s harem was really happening. I was the only one who hadn’t tasted the forbidden fruit, and while I should have been jealous, I wasn’t. It was kinky, to say the least. I felt like I was embarking on some kind of pleasure cruise.

Kent came into my office around noon to ask what I wanted to eat. There was a spring to his step that hadn’t been there before. Lucky bastard. I was one well-placed joke away from letting him know I was in on it, but I decided to give the guy some leeway. We didn’t have to talk about what we were doing; just the fact that we were all in on the joke was enough.

I didn’t want to imagine him pounding one out with Meara in his office, but I knew that’s what just happened. Eventually I would get a cut, but until then, I would have to contain my excitement.

“I’m ordering from the deli,” Kent said.

“I’ll take a ham sandwich,” I replied.

He left, and I went out of my office in search of Meara. I found her in her own space, diligently plugging away at a research project. I wasn’t fooled. Only moments ago, she had been in seventh heaven with my business partner. Her cheeks were flushed, and her blouse was wrinkled. It was a good look on her.

Since we were alone, and Sam was nowhere to be seen, I leaned down and kissed the top of her head. She turned to look at me, her eyes still half-lidded after a good fuck. I liked the entire package and couldn’t wait until she decided to bless me with some of her attention.

“Good conquest?” I asked.

She blushed, knowing that I had her number. “Indeed,” she replied. “I feel a bit bad bringing it to work. Sam keeps giving me weird looks, and I’m not sure if that is going to be a problem later.”

“We’ll figure it out,” I soothed. “I’ll talk to her, see what she’s thinking. Damien pulled some crazy stunt to keep us locked in the kitchen while you guys were…” I trailed off, not sure how much of my insider information I should put into words.

“I’ll have to thank him,” Meara said innocently.

“I’m not sure if you want to thank him or knee him in the groin,” I teased. “He didn’t do a great job of it.”

She frowned.

“I know you and Sam have worked well since you came on,” I continued. “I’m sure that we can come to some kind of arrangement.”

“It would be great not to have to worry about keeping up appearances,” Meara shared.

“And on that note,” I shifted gears, “we do have that dinner coming up with the nightmare client. Are we set on that?”

“You bet.” She straightened in her chair, all business suddenly.

I had half a mind to pull her into my arms so that I could mess her up just as thoroughly as Kent had. But Sam could walk in any minute, and I didn’t think I could explain that faux pas. I chatted a little to make sure we were both on the same page for Thursday night’s dinner. I wasn’t looking forward to it, but with Meara in attendance, it was sure to be much better than originally planned. She looked so smart in her little top and her fashionable pants. I guessed that her hair had been down at some point because it was gathered together haphazardly. If you didn’t know what she had been up to, she might have fooled someone else into thinking she was just a little messy. But I knew. I knew, and I approved. It was the beginning of a wild ride, and I was wholeheartedly looking forward to taking part.

I stole a final kiss before Kent returned with lunch and we all had to play the part of simple colleagues. It wouldn’t be long, though, before I had my turn. Just a matter of time and everything I had ever wanted would fall into my lap.