There was silence in the room as the coffee brewed. Damien looked at me, his eyes wide and leading. I covered my mouth with one hand, indicating that I wanted to stay silent. Sean reached out and hit Damien on the arm, the two of them tussling like college roommates. I knew they were eager to get started and just being accommodating of my fantasies. I didn’t have to involve Kent. We didn’t have to wait for him to approve or disavow our trio. We could easily meet up after work just the three of us.

Since all my cards were on the table, the least I felt I could do was wait for the answer. But it was painful, and Kent was dragging it out. I appreciated that he felt thrown for a loop. I knew it was a lot to consider, but his stalling tactic was torturous.

At the end of the century, it seemed, the coffee was finally ready. Kent picked it up and returned to his seat. Taking one agonizingly slow sip, he put the paper cup down and gave me a smile.

“Let’s do it,” he said.

A cheer went up around the table. Sean clapped Damien on the shoulder, and Damien reached across to take my hand. I couldn’t help laughing. It was wonderful. Everything I had ever imagined was about to come true. I had done all the heavy lifting; what was left would be pure pleasure.

Of course, there was a lot we still had to iron out. I didn’t know how it worked, to be honest. Millie spent some nights with Caleb, some with Warren, and some with Vlad, but I knew there were also times she was with all three. I wanted the same, but this thing we had started was so young, I didn’t know where to begin.

The feeling in the air changed. We were no longer just work colleagues. While we all knew that we couldn’t get right down to business in the conference room, there was definitely a charged atmosphere. I wanted to get up from my seat and climb into Sean’s lap, but I knew if I did that, I would be starting something I couldn’t finish.

We still had the whole day in front of us, and even if I did go home with one or all three of them that night, there were still eight hours we had to kill. I was definitely getting laid after five, that was for sure, although the size and scope of the encounter were still up in the air. It gave me a warm, tingly feeling, knowing that all these powerful men were waiting on me.

They were willing to follow me down the rabbit hole, to indulge my fantasies in a way that few had ever done before. I licked my lips, sending a signal to them that the meeting was over. If we were going to return to our own offices without getting naked, now was the time to do it. I thought I must be the luckiest girl in the world, and I couldn’t wait to tell my sister.