I was conflicted. On one hand, I was pissed, and on the other hand, I knew that I was being a pill. I could almost see myself from the outside, making snide remarks and growling at my business partners, yet I couldn’t help it. They both knew what it was like to kiss Meara while I was the only one who had actually wanted to hold her from the moment we first met.

I was sure Damien was just playing around. He didn’t care about her. And Sean was a joke. With his bad boy demeanor, he could get any woman he wanted. He didn’t have to single out Meara. Sam, the other intern, was equally attractive. Yet there was something about Meara that all of us were smitten with.

Sean said that she sent flowers to his father. I wondered if I could drum up a sick father to get some of her attention. Maybe I should take her into my office like Damien did and “show her the ropes.” I was sure that wasn’t all they were doing behind closed doors every single day.

I didn’t like this side of me, but I couldn’t help it. I was teeming with jealousy. Why should Sean and Damien get all the fun while I had to watch from afar? I tried to conquer my lust for several days, keeping my head down and focusing on my work.

Watching her walk around the office was torture. I was gruff with her and terse with my partners. Every conversation felt like a burr in my saddle. I wanted to make up some excuse and kiss her. I longed to feel her in my arms, to make her want me the same way she wanted Damien and Sean.

After three days, I’d had enough. Meara was in the kitchenette off the reception area that served as a break room. I watched her walk past my office without even stopping to say hello. Not only did I not rate a kiss, but it seemed that I wasn’t even important enough to spare a wave or a friendly nod.

I was done. I wanted control over the situation, and I would take it. Sean said that he hadn’t asked permission, so I wouldn’t either. Although there was one stop I wanted to make before crossing the point of no return.

I stalked into Damien’s office, surprising him in the middle of a web call. He politely excused himself and put the call on mute, turning to me for an explanation.

“I’m going to kiss Meara,” I announced.

He frowned, and I could tell that he wasn’t on board. He didn’t want me to do this, and that made it even sweeter. Of course, there was nothing he could say. If she allowed me to touch her the way she allowed Sean, then the choice was hers and not Damien’s. Even so, I could see him struggling with his emotions. Without giving him time to figure out what to say, I slammed the door and went in search of my prize.

She hadn’t moved from the kitchen, and when I opened the door, she gave me a brilliant smile. That made my heart sing. She really did care. I wasn’t just a guy who worked in the next office. Her smile told me that she thought of me as a friend. I was going to shatter that particular illusion and make my claim to be something more. She should know that she had three older men who were eager to take her to bed. It wasn’t just Damien and Sean.

I strode up to her, watching as her eyes changed from sunny to concerned. She didn’t know what was about to happen and was a little bit wary. To her credit, there was never any fear. She understood instinctively that I wasn’t going to hurt her.

Without giving her time to object, I scooped her into my arms. Tilting her back like some romantic movie star, I kissed her. She had no choice but to wrap her arms around my neck. If she hadn’t, she would have lost her balance and been forced to rely on my strength to keep herself upright.

She was shocked to begin with but then rallied to object. Her lips parted naturally, allowing me to explore her inner regions, but after a moment, she pushed me back out. She closed off, sealing the honey pot. Struggling out of my arms, she held me at a distance, inhaling and exhaling rapidly.

“What was that?” she demanded.

“You know how I feel about you,” I began.

“I don’t feel the same way,” she told me. “And you are taking a big risk kissing me like that in the office. Anybody could have walked in.”

“But they didn’t.” I held my ground, not advancing on her, letting her have her space.

“You can’t just walk up to anyone you want to and kiss them,” she objected.

“Did you say the same thing to Sean?”

She blushed. “Sean’s different.”

“Different how?”

“Just different.”

“Different because you want to be with him, but you don’t want to be with me?” I guessed.

She opened her mouth to tell me I was wrong but shut it almost immediately. I’d hit the nail on the head, and we both knew it. Her expression changed again from one of outrage to one of pity. I didn’t need that. Her concern only made me feel worse, like I had been kicked in the balls.

“I don’t need your pity,” I snapped, turning on my heels.

“Kent, wait—” she tried.

“It’s Mr. Presley,” I replied, not even giving her the time of day.