I didn’t care. Anything in an office beat standing on my feet and interacting with the public all day. We worked together through five o’clock. When Damien realized the time, he closed down the web browser and sent me home.

I had just enough time to drive back to my apartment, shower, and change before heading to the restaurant. When I saw him waiting in the lobby, I knew that he was there in a romantic capacity and not as my boss.

He didn’t kiss me in the office or say anything that might be construed as a physical compliment. But at the restaurant, there was no employee manual to hold us back. He slipped an arm around my waist and pulled me close. Kissing me sweetly, he lingered just long enough to get my heart beating.

“It’s so good to see you again,” he whispered when he came up for air.

“Likewise,” I said.

We sat down to eat and shared a bottle of wine. Damien acted like money was no object, and it was a big turn-on. I noticed that he picked one of the more expensive whites. It tasted so much better than the cheap-ass variety I often chose for myself. There were delicate fruity notes and just a hint of something that could have been lavender.

I found myself relaxing into the conversation. We filled each other in on what had been going on since we last met. I didn’t have a lot to report. It wasn’t the right time to tell him about Millie and her unique lifestyle. He probably knew already since it wasn’t exactly a secret.

I was flirting with the idea of trying it out for myself. Maybe I didn’t have to choose between Damien and Kent. Maybe I could be with both of them the same way Millie had her collection of college professors. It was an incendiary thought. I knew Millie sometimes made love to more than one of her boyfriends at the same time. I wondered what that would be like and if it was as revolutionary as I imagined.

I ordered a salad because I didn’t want anything heavy in my stomach. The evening was progressing nicely, and I suspected that there might be more in store than a simple dinner date. Damien proved me right by inviting me home with him after the meal.

“What do you say we continue this evening at my place?” he asked, putting his hand over mine so there could be no misunderstanding.

I inhaled sharply. This was moving fast, and yet I was excited by the prospect. It hadn’t been that long since Damien and I were intimate. Just a little more than a month. I knew it would be fun, and it was about time I ended my dry streak.

“Okay,” I agreed, lowering my lashes.

“Check please.” He held a hand up.

Since we both drove, we had to take two cars back to his place. Luckily, I knew exactly where it was, so I didn’t have to follow him. He owned his own home, and while it wasn’t a mansion, it was definitely not cheap. He had four bedrooms, three of which he used for other purposes. One was a home gym, one was an office, and one was a guest room.

The primary bedroom, at the top of the stairs, was massive. There was enough space for a seating area with a love seat and a coffee table. Two double doors opened into the bathroom where stairs descended to a tiled floor.

Of course, my mind went straight to the bedroom. We hadn’t even taken off our coats or had the prerequisite glass of wine. Damien turned on the living room lights, setting his keys in a dish by the door.

“I would offer you a drink, but maybe you’d like to revisit the bedroom first?” he said with a grin.

“I’ve had enough to drink,” I replied. It was true. I knew already that I wasn’t spending the night. No matter how much fun I had or how amazing the sex, I wasn’t going to be sleeping over. That meant that I had to remain sober enough to drive.

“Well then,” he said, stepping close. “I guess we should just move on to dessert.”

“Mmm,” I purred, moving eagerly into his arms.

He clasped his hands behind my waist, pulling me tightly against his chest. We stayed like that for a moment, two weary souls reunited at last. His heartbeat with a virile tempo, telling me that the blood was flowing throughout his body.

I returned the favor, locking my fingers together around his abdomen, luxuriating in the smell of his cologne. Damien was all man. Things had changed since we were last together. Now he was my boss, and I was determined to show him just how hard a worker I could be.

He lowered his lips to mine, resuming the kiss that we’d started in the restaurant. The fire started to burn, growing from my belly to encompass all of me. His touch was soft, and yet I knew that he could be an animal when he wanted to be. We were feeling each other out, easing into the pool instead of diving headfirst.

His hands slid down my spine, firm and playful. When he reached my bottom, he cupped me there, molding me to his body. I tilted my head back, reaching up to stroke his jaw. He hadn’t shaved after work; I could feel the sandpaper beginnings of stubble grazing his chin. I knew from experience that would be both intoxicating and irritating the next day, but I didn’t care. I was all in for whatever he had in store.

He released me and grabbed my hand, leading me to the kitchen. I wasn’t sure what he was doing, but I knew it would be exciting. He opened the refrigerator, reaching in and pulling out a can of whipped cream. I met his eyes with an adventurous smile. We hadn’t crossed the boundary into sexual play yet. The first few times we’d gotten together it was hot, but there weren’t any props involved. I stole the can from him and popped off the top. Squirting a little onto my finger, I tasted it.

Light and sweet, the flavor danced across my tongue. Damien accepted the can back from me and squeezed another dollop onto my finger. Guiding it to his mouth, he licked, sending electricity spiking through my veins.

I grabbed the can back from him and raced upstairs. He thundered after me, close on my heels as I darted for the bedroom. I opened the door and rushed inside, the darkness catching me by surprise. Damien turned a lamp on as he followed me, spending just enough time to loosen his tie.

I reached for his hand. He gave it up playfully, watching as I squirted white foam on his index finger. Sucking it deep, I tasted sugar and sweat, a combination that could only mean one thing. Thank goodness I’d only ordered a salad at the restaurant. It looked like I was going to fill my belly at the same time as he filled my soul.

He removed his finger from my mouth, undoing the button at his neck. Peeling his shirt off, he acted like nothing pressing was going on. He wasn’t rushed, but he completed the chore in just a few seconds, stripping down to his undershirt. He didn’t toss the garment away but laid it carefully on a bedside chair.

I didn’t have nearly the amount of self-control necessary to follow that act. The dress I wore was suddenly uncomfortable, but there was no easy way out of it. I handed off the whipped cream and reached for my zipper.